Official Off Topic Thread

Thanks guys! Yeah I bought 4 CDs at The End. I got the latest from Hollenthon, Borknager, Andromeda, and Vanden Plas. I absolutely cannot wait to get them. As for school, blah. I didn't finish my homework last night becasue I was to busy watching TV. Now I'm wasting my last minutes before class posting here. LOL Guess I should go now...
Shit Yngster! thats a ridiculous amount of work! you must be in your senior year (I hope)

But the week thats even crapper than that is definatly camp, no question
Hi, still alive. just wanted to let y'all know. Wondering what the hell i should get from the end. I know i'm gonna get demons and wizards (finally) and mechanized warfare by jag panzer, but dunno what else to get. any suggestions? no prog... not a prog guy.
theodyssey said:
Hi, still alive. just wanted to let y'all know. Wondering what the hell i should get from the end. I know i'm gonna get demons and wizards (finally) and mechanized warfare by jag panzer, but dunno what else to get. any suggestions? no prog... not a prog guy.

First of all Zach...SHAME ON YOU FOR NOT OWNING DEMONS AND WIZARDS YET!!!! Second of up an At Vance CD...Only Human is pretty good.
The Yngster said:
And Metal Chick the pic in your sig is really cool.

Why thank you Yngster, I made it myself. Two summers ago I went up north to the upper peninsulla of Michigan with a friend and we got a little obsessive and wrote the names of our favorite bands in the sand, and I took a pic of it because I'm just that nuts. I also made a sand guitar but the tide destroyed it before I could take a pic of it.

Oh yeah Zach, how dare you call yourself an Iced Earth fan and not have Demons and Wizards!! And no prog?? Well, I'll admit that I preffer power metal over prog, but I like a little of both worlds.

And school officially sucks now. I have no time to sit at the computer and let my brain waste away into nothing. *sigh* two more years after this and I'm free FOREVER!!!!
yea- school sucks.. i have marching band [I get to crash the cymbals like a monkey w00t!] everynight except wed. and sunday, so my day is like: School, band, HW, band.. I haven't had time to do anything lately, and yes, that SymX in the sand owns all!

Is it normal to be having SymX concert dreams ehh 2++ months from the concert. I found out about it when it was first posted - August 19 I think - and since then I've been having SX dreams.. HELP!
theodyssey said:
Hi, still alive. just wanted to let y'all know. Wondering what the hell i should get from the end. I know i'm gonna get demons and wizards (finally) and mechanized warfare by jag panzer, but dunno what else to get. any suggestions? no prog... not a prog guy.
Into Eternity - Dead or Dreaming
Probly pick up into eternity because i've heard lots o good about that. as for D&W, sabrina has it and as some of you know, i lived with her for a while so it wasn't a high priority. plus, i have a burned copy of it, i just wanna actually get it. As for panzer... heh, it's cool.
Oh, i'm to lazy to hit edit so i'll just post again. As for me not liking prog, i dunno. just isn't my thing. I greatly prefer death/black metal (not tr00 stuff... that's irritating) over power metal, and power way over prog. prog just get's irritating... complex for the sake of complexity and not musicality or feel.
Dead or Dreaming is really cool. Its like really melodic prog/death. Not complexity-for-complexities sake prog which you dont like (eg. DT) but its really melodic with some vocal harmonies and great riffs and solo's