Official Off Topic Thread

umm yeah anyone could see shuggah was joking around about the teacher thing. sometimes ya need to re-read things a couple of times before getting the wrong idea (is guilty of that myself sometimes, but im learning thankye)

blah im too tired to write tonight, im goin to bed
Okay I had nothing to do soo... I translated a Symphony X song into dutch lol. It was really hard to do, but whatever...
You guys should guess what song it is :p . Here is my translation of 'the song':

Onnodig om te zeggen, een andere dag is voorbij gegaan
Nog alles, en niets, is verandert
Ik lig wakker, mijn gedachten lossen op in de lucht
Onnodig om te zeggen, niets zal veranderen

Misschien een mystiek met fortuinen te vertellen
Geef mijn munt over aan de oude wensen. (?)
Misschien zullen de sterren in de nacht richten
Om mij het goede pad te laten zien

‘geweest zouden zijn’ and ‘konden zijn’
ze hebben mijn dagen verspild
de kleuren van mijn leven lossen op en vervagen tot grijs

Zo vele paden van belofte
Besluiteloosheid vergiftigde mijn geest
Als ik alleen maar de aanwijzingen had gezien, zo blind

Nog moet ik gaan reizen, door en door

Een achtervolgende zicht kwelt mij
Het smoort en steelt mijn dromen
Ik zie een oude man in de spiegel
Koud en bitter terug kijkend naar mij

Hier ben ik, op het kruispunt van het leven sta ik
alleen, neerkijkend op de weg
Hoor mijn kreet, beantwoord mij
Ik ben nog aan het zoeken de waarheid die onbekend is, hoewel de nacht koud is
Ik loop dit pad alleen

Hier ben ik, op het kruispunt van het leven sta ik
alleen, neerkijkend op de weg
Hoor mijn kreet, beantwoord mij
Ik ben nog aan het zoeken de waarheid die onbekend is, hoewel de nacht koud is
Ik loop dit pad alleen
Ok, here's some SyX lyrics translated to Engrish:

At the house of my master which exceeds the chain the bed of the snake where badness puts in place Ohio state, me laughter me who am heard some day finally I understand method from the ash of my youth who Ooh the iron bar which imprisons me, you made the mother will which helps the fact that I who help the fact that the reason where I continue is found produce is the human stand rising, through the truth eye
Misschien een mystiek met fortuinen te vertellen

i knew with the 'mystic' and 'fortune' bit what it was, nothing else tho.. grr why it is writing in italics..

At the house of my master which exceeds the chain the bed of the snake where badness puts in place Ohio state, me laughter me who am heard some day finally I understand method from the ash of my youth who Ooh the iron bar which imprisons me, you made the mother will which helps the fact that I who help the fact that the reason where I continue is found produce is the human stand rising, through the truth eye
lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg thats so hilarious! should do a whole 'symphony x engrish' lyrics page.
Here's a quick translation of Awakenings in finnish. :D


Tarpeetonta sanoa, taas yksi päivä on mennyt
Silti kaikki, ja ei mikään, on muuttunut
Valveilla makaan, ajatukseni eksyvät taivaalle
Silti kaikki, ja ei mikään, on muuttunut...

Ehkä mystikko - ennustettavien kera...
Luovutan kolikkoni vanhalla toivomuskaivolla...
Ehkä tähdet järjestyvät yössä...
Näyttääkseen minulle oikean polun

Olisivat-olleet ja olisivat-voineet-ollat
Ne kuihduttavat päiväni
Elämäni värit liukenevat ja haalistuvat harmaaseen

Niin monia lupausten polkuja
Päättämättömyys myrkyttää mieleni
Jos vain olisin nähnyt merkit - niin sokea

Silti minun on matkattava eteenpäin - eteenpäin ja eteenpäin

Aavemainen näky piinaa minua
Se tukahduttaa ja varastaa unelmani
Näen peilissä vanhan miehen
Kylmän ja katkeran tuijottavan minua takaisin

Tässä olen - elämän risteyksessä seison
Omillani - katsellen tietä eteenpäin
Kuule huutoni - vastaa minulle
Yhä etsin, silti totuus on tuntematon
Vaikka yö on kylmä, kävelen tietä yksin


Ok, this is a very quick translation off the top of my head. I used perhaps ten or fifteen minutes on this, so some metaphores may be translated incorrectly. And I did this from the CD cover lyrics, so some choruses are omitted. Well. Anyway, there it is. Another speck of useless information in a vast sea of... well... information. :D
[QUOTE='Shuggah]Is that 'engrish' made by translating the text from english to japanese and then back in Babelfish? I got some _very_ interesting results with that. :D[/QUOTE]

hehhehehehe, heres one I did real quick from a Blind Guardian song "Somewhere Far Beyond"

Exceeding March of time directly somewhere
that to begin somewhere
it exceeds your actuality and is distant
then march of time starts

And now heres a SyX song:

The desperate scream
which the hail of the fire
which decides our destiny
everything tempts with the shadow of crime
in starts gathering the mind which is kept

theodyssey said:
Approaching 1000 posts in the off topic thread... sweet.

:yell: Tat-tadaDAAADAA, TAT-TADA-DAA-TAAAH, tat-tada-daaaa-da, tat-tada-daaaaaaaaa!!! :loco:

Oh, BTW, when Shreddie said Mike Romeo is ugly, you all got insulted, when you talk shit about teachers, I can't get insulted right? :err:

And it was WAAAAAAAAY clearer that Shreddie was kidding. :hotjump:
Whatever. :cool:
Zax, Have your teachers really always been wonderful and sweet to you? If they have, I envy you. :D Anyways, sorry if I offended you with my pitiful attempt at dry and dark humour. ;)
everyone remembers the dog of mine that had a heart attact but survived, well he had his 3rd one 1:30 am on Sunday and died. That sure sucks alot
aww sorry shreddi.. :(

man i am pissed off at stupid ignorant closed minded people!!!!

this dude has bloody 1000's of cd's, including symphony x apparently, and reckons he likes i thought cool, he seems like he has a wide taste range.. then im like well how bout opeth? he goes, no i hate them. i'm like what have you listened to? he goes, well ive never heard them but i dont like death vox and satany stuff.. im like, umm i dont recall theyve ever sung about satan, and you should at least check out the damnation album, its very soft and beautiful and really pretty music, all clean vox. then i cant send a song transfer so i'm bloody trying to find something online he can dl himself and he is moping on about how he doesnt like dark music, even soft music can still be dark.. so i give up and tell him i cant stand it when people wont even be receptive enough to listen to something before judging it.

so thats my bitch for the day.. i hate ignorant closed minded people that judge things before educating themselves on it!