Official Off Topic Thread

Vic Firth's 5A are great sticks, I use them as well! Have some Pro Marc's in reserve but theý're too round and thin and smoove for my taste. 5A's the perfect grip for me

Rooooooooooooocccccckkkkkk!!!! Oooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnn! :headbang: :Shedevil: :kickass: :worship:
I'm pretty excited... i get to review cds for a website and the best part is i get free cds... i get the cds from the dude, review them, and get to keep them. Woo hoo! Also other things in the future like free concerts, and get to interview bands n' such.
whoa zach that's really cool! hopefully the stuff you get to review is stuff worth keeping ;)

today was the worst thanksgiving ever. my mom got sick, my family is falling apart, and I have so much on my mind i've gone insane. happy holidays...hmph
theodyssey said:
I'm pretty excited... i get to review cds for a website and the best part is i get free cds... i get the cds from the dude, review them, and get to keep them. Woo hoo! Also other things in the future like free concerts, and get to interview bands n' such.
That's really cool, what's the address of the website?
Hey Ultimate_Symphony, I kept seeing all the Darkane stuff in your sig so i bought their re-issue of Rusted Angel for 9 bucks at The End. What am I in for here? This is one of the rare occasions I'm buying without listening first
The Metal Chick said:
whoa zach that's really cool! hopefully the stuff you get to review is stuff worth keeping ;)

today was the worst thanksgiving ever. my mom got sick, my family is falling apart, and I have so much on my mind i've gone insane. happy holidays...hmph

Damn..sorry to hear that, MC. Hope this list can be of some sort of comfort to you. :wave:
Hello all I'm back :wave: ..

Some of you know already but those who dont I just got back from a 2 week roadtrip of the Australian Eastern Seaboard (basically.. LONG DRIVE)..

Later I will post pics I took on the trip.. and for the record ... KRISPY KREME RAWKS!!!!!! T'is the uber donut.. the donut above all other donuts!! We almost got some today on the way back into Sydney, except we already ate soooo much junk food on the trip we couldnt stand to look at another piece.. theres always another day though thankgoodness ;) (a trip for me to krispy kreme is like the journey to the fires of mount doom.. its a quest in itself)
The Yngster said:
Hey Ultimate_Symphony, I kept seeing all the Darkane stuff in your sig so i bought their re-issue of Rusted Angel for 9 bucks at The End. What am I in for here? This is one of the rare occasions I'm buying without listening first
Ah, my blatant promotion seems to work :D

Aggressive thrash/melodic death metal with very tight musicianship. Music wise I think you'll love the album, but maybe you'll need some time to get used to the vocals. Here's a brief review I wrote on HMAS:

Let me know if you what you think of the album when you hear it.
Anyone who has any interests of my reviews (as well as the reviews of the others who post them there) you can check out my sig. I'll be updating the sig a lot because i keep writing damn reviews :D

Welcome back Charis!!!!!!!!!! i sure as hell missed the late night (well, freakin' midday for you) conversations. Hope to see you online soon... we got a lot of catching up to do....

And hail! \m/ to Amanda... hope everything gets better!
Thanks Zach :)

Hey, just got back from shopping in the day-after-thanksgiving chaos, and I spent so much $$$...i bought some gifts for people but i didn't forget myself. I found GTA2 and 007 for PS1 really cheap(the 007 was's prolly lame). I also got a Get Fuzzy calender. Dunno if anyone in the chicago area reads the Sunday Tribune, but that comic is freakin hilarious.

I feel much better now :)
i played a solo in front of the whole school yesterday! Our school stage bad plays this half rock half swing version of Crazy Train. I get a 8 bar solo in the beggining rock riff. I basicly 'wank' and show off, seeing that i have barely anytime to play anything creative withous it impresses hehe.

It went really well, i played it flawlessly and everyone was very suprissed as not many people knew i could play that good. People i've never even talked to have been coming up to me saying i rule, so lifes good.

Its about friggin time i get some recognition for my playing, even tho that wasn't a clear interpretation of my playing, but lifes good here. :)