Official Off Topic Thread

Woo hoo I wanted to let it be known I got Opeth's 'Lamentations' DVD yesterday, and after 2 months of waiting, I finally got Eternal Tears Of Sorrows 'A Virgin And A Whore'. And they both kick amazing amounts of ass.
So I'm taking an entomology course at school (and for those who don't know what that is, its the study of bugs). We're raising fruit flies, which honestly is so unexciting. I was hoping for a big creepy bug. Anyway, we got 7 flies: 5 males and 2 females. I decided to name the guys Rusty, Romeo, Mikey, P, and Jay. LOL :tickled: Names don't really matter, thats just me being a nerd. Actually, when I get a dog, I'm gonna name it Romeo. I just have too much fun naming things :loco:
I got a new hair cut today. My hair was so stupid and boring that I couldn't take it anymore. Now it looks pretty cool, though I gotta kinda get used to it. The good thing is its more girly so people won't mistake me as a guy anymore. :Smug: But I'm still metal dammit!
I took an evening class in Biology once. Bugs (or insects, to be less demeaning to them) are indeed way more interesting than most people think or give them credit for. You learn a lot and perceive them differently once you know the difference between us humans and, for example, wasps, who have a singular bloodstream, as opposed to us who have a double bloodstream.... plus the way their eyes work is amazing! :loco: :loco:
If I didn't undersant bad this is a thread where talk about everything other right?
So I wanted to ask you if you know "THE SIMS" game.
If yes I've got some paints for the sims about SYMPHONY X that I made.
They are on my site.
wow I went to go see that video, and I have to say that song was pretty lame. No, actually, it was quite lame. bummer....

To contribute to this threads offtopic-ness, I'll mention that I'm making a new website with my own domain. I'm gonna try to put a ton of drawings and stories on it, if anyone cares. I'll post the new link in my sig when it's done.
[/self promotion]
I heard a bit of the CD so far, and the music itself is pretty good, but I can't stand the patriotic theme. I reallly should check that video out though, but I don't feel like it now.

In other news, I gave my first guitar lessons the other day, and made a good 35 bucks for 2 lessons. I'm teaching complete beginner kids that can't even press the frets. This is going to be a challenge but I'm up for it.
The video is crap, that song is crap, tim is crap. the end. some of the music is alright, but i doubt that barlow could even make some of those songs good... still ordering the cd, and i know that after i review it (on :D ) it will be the dust collector. Ugh... it pains me so to see one of my favorite bands start to bite total ass... oh well, the webpage at least finally got updated. the one good thing about the new album coming out.
Bringing the OOTT thread back up..........

My wife and I got some Ramones CDs this week. (Well, one is a clean vinyl LP.)
Work is miserable, weather is horrible, Holidays are over, We're in the mood for some senseless mindless power chord Punk. And the kids are just rolling their eyes. :rolleyes:

"Beat the Brat", "I Wanna Be Sedated", "Going Mental"....etc. YEAH. :oops:
The only good punk band is Bad Religion. Great catchy songs with lyrics that actually have meaning. A great bunch of guys too. Other than them, punk is lame. Of course, I'm not familiar with the Ramones, so I can't comment on them. I guess I'm reffering to the "popular" punk. Bad Religion owns them all.
I come to bitch today.

I am the proud owner of a $3K plus paperweight, otherwise known as a 60" Sony Grand Wega LCD set. Don't get me wrong, it is a great TV with awesome picture, when it works. But its 3 months old and Sony knows about the problem. A tech is coming just in time befored the superbowl. But for that much money and the $600 warranty I bought from CC? I should demand that it is either fixed or replaced today. Worse yet, even though Sony has released an official bulletin to the certified repair centers, I guess they neglected to tell their customer service folks about this. So when asked, they just say that nothing has ever been wrong with these sets, further pissing off owners who already know about the problem.

Damn bastards...damn they are bastards. If those dickheads can't get my TV fixed until Thursday they should give me a loaner until then...

well wb satanic rabbit lol.. havent seen u in a while.

bleah not a punk fan at all..

hmm what do i have to bitch about.. nothing.. im happy lately, tell you what though, its terrible for writing, maybe i need depressants in the way some people need anti-depressants. I am working on my new website, after procrastinating long enough.. thats about it.

oh plus woo hoo i might get to go to the opeth concert in march or whenever they come after all.. my future roomie said he didnt mind if i went to brisbane for it after we move to QLD if money is ok to go.. coz he knows how much I love Opeth, hell I make him sit there and watch the dvd with me.
the_satanic_rabbit said:
$600 warranty I bought from CC?

having to pay for a warranty sucks... it should be a complimentary service like it is in aussieland. i refuse to pay for something that should be free, especially when forking out that much money for a product anyway.