Official Off Topic Thread

I didn't like Ren & Stimpy very much at all; I thought it was poorly drawn and relied way too much on bathroom and physical humor. Definitely not a good thing to watch while already sick. I also am surprised about the rating--but was there a rating system even around when that show first came out in the first place?
Ren n' Stimpy is amazing. And I'll defend that to the death. Or at least until I get too lazy to fight anymore.
Lots of children's shows have little subtleties that kids wouldn't get but college students/adults would find funny, so much so that it would seem that they were catering do an older demographic. Some examples include Shrek and the "gay" teletubby. Think about it... if you were a parent and you had to sit through that crap with your kid, don't you think there ought to be jokes you would get for your own entertainment? Wasn't there some other British cartoon that was on the air for a number of years and it had character names like Seaman Stains? From my understanding that was just an urban legend, though I'm really not too sure.
Beelzebub said:
Lots of children's shows have little subtleties that kids wouldn't get but college students/adults would find funny, so much so that it would seem that they were catering do an older demographic. Some examples include Shrek and the "gay" teletubby. Think about it... if you were a parent and you had to sit through that crap with your kid, don't you think there ought to be jokes you would get for your own entertainment? Wasn't there some other British cartoon that was on the air for a number of years and it had character names like Seaman Stains? From my understanding that was just an urban legend, though I'm really not too sure.

Well of think Disney makes their cartoon women sexy looking for the 7 year old kids watching? ;)
Yngvai X said:
Family Guy and South Park are my two favs.
I am hereby rectifying my original statement:
Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law, Family Guy and Southpark are the three greatest cartoons ever.
kazahana said:
Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law is the single greatest cartoon ever.

Yngvai X said:
Family Guy and South Park are my two favs.

kazahana said:
I am hereby rectifying my original statement:
Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law, Family Guy and Southpark are the three greatest cartoons ever.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force falls as high as those. But I was very disappointed with the new season of South Park.
Also, if you guys like South Park, have you guys ever seen the movies made by Matt Stone and Trey Parker from their early days? You guys would love those. Cannibal: The Musical! and Orgasmo are 2 of my favorite movies ever.
Thraxz said:
Hellsing.. best... animation... ever.
My girlfriend made me watch that the other week, I don't like anime........
EDIT: Oh, and the best cartoon ever is The Bugs Bunny and Tweety Show. I laugh EVERY time, no matter how many times I've seen the episode.
more about me: :D

It was mah birthday yesterday, the big ol 26 *cries* - yet I hauled pretty nicely I might add. The now ex-bf took back the comp he had given me *bastard* so I was short one of those for a while. However the roomie bought me a new one *sings 'coz ya gottta have friiiieeennnds'* as well as an ipod and allen/lande's the battle finally *no I hadnt heard it yet* and my friend bought me a drinking game kit *coz I do alot of that now's I'm single again* and a sushi plate *coz I make alot of sushi* (and why do I put all after thoughts in **'s? - or ()? one of those mysteries of the universe I suppose)

Hmm what else, I had a party for my birthday which entailed lots of said sushi *made courtesy of yours truly of course*, alot of beer and some 'blacks' *smirnoff, no I'm not being racist* and 'cruisers' and hot euro guys featuring a russian and a croatian *not too bad even if I do say so myself*

and lastly, I started uni this week featuring cheap pizza, cheap gym membership and even cheaper bus fair.. oh and free condoms..
Happy birthday!!!
SilentRealm said:
and lastly, I started uni this week featuring cheap pizza, cheap gym membership and even cheaper bus fair..
Aside from the bus fare (I have to pay full price, though I don't take the train as often so it sort of evens out), I absolutely love those perks. :tickled:

oh and free condoms..

Unfortunately I don't partake in that one.