Official pictures of your favored things...

Well, as I'm a music geek I guess the obvious choic would be showing my record collection. I have a picture of it around 2-300 records ago I guess, but I don't have a site to put it on, but I can show a picture of my record player though:

Mine isn't exactly the same. Mine is a Thorens TD126 MKIII Centennial, which was a jubilee edition Thorens made when they turned 100, if I'm not mistaken, in 1984 or '83. Mine has a black platter instead of a silver and it doesn't have that (hey-ho) silver lining under the Thorens logo. The wood is also a lighter color and the buttons are black, not silver. I also have a different cartridge.
@Thanatos - That is an awesome animation! I love it!

A few more of my favorite things :]

WWE Wrestling
(make whatever jokes you want, I'll still love it!)

(the goat is their mascot)

Burmese Mountain dogs
(no I don't have one.. wish I did)

My Christmas Tree
(too bad it's a dark picture)

And of course, my man!!
(Sorry ladies, he's taken!) :heh:

bwa hahahaha...Thanatos...the dog...-passes out-

@Sh0k: You know, the big galoot The Big Show lives in Louisville, and used to hit on my sister, frightening.
I, in fact, do not watch wrestling, but I am from Louisville, and now Atlanta, so you can't really live in these places without being aware of "wrasslin'" :lol: ...however, I maintain that The Rock stole that expression from ME.

HAHAHA! Necros I never noticed the striking Rock eyebrow pose in that picture! :lol: Eric, you're in for it now, gabroni! Yes it is indeed frightening that Big Show used to hit on your sister! *rotflol* To think, it could have been my foot-in-the-door :p

I don't think I can parade my ass around to millions of slobbering overweight middle-aged drunk men and 14-year old girls who are in lvoe with Matt Hardy and will eventually think of that image as "what it means to be a woman that men want" :rolleyes: This is a whole OTHER topic. :lol:

Originally posted by ~Zeanra~
Memories.... :cry:


:OMG: My first set looked just like that... SCARY!!! :eek:


Yeah, LOTS of memories... Even though I haven't played for a long time, I still have my favorite D6 and D20. :)