Official RC Snobby Beer Purchases Thread

Doomcifer said:
My lineup for the night:



man, I am jelaous, I can't get most of those beers here ...

hey, BTW, might be in RI next weekend with a friend of mine, probably Saturday, picking up a motorcycle. Beer time?
Well I don't know if it's "snobby" (it's certaintly pricey!), but I have a couple of bottles of Kronenboug Blanc for tonight. It's tasty stuff.
I guess I'm gonna have to try some Flying Dog beer sometime, I heard on the news this morning a brewery right down the street from my office was sold to them to be their east coast production center. Plus I've always thought the label artwork was hella classy.

It's called Gonzo. That looks like Hunter S. Thompson. It's a porter. It's fucking WICKED. I had a few some months back, would drink again! Doomy: get this.

Full Sail IPA is not very good. It's not bad, but I expect a lot from my IPA these days. Had two last night.

Old Rasputin rules.