Official RC Snobby Beer Purchases Thread

Beercifer said:

Even though stout season is long gone for me, if I saw this in the story I would get a boner, fuck my way through the aisle, and drink it while crying and fending off would-be attackers. Never had it, but Victory makes some FINE shit.
NADatar said:
Even though stout season is long gone for me, if I saw this in the story I would get a boner, fuck my way through the aisle, and drink it while crying and fending off would-be attackers. Never had it, but Victory makes some FINE shit.

LMFAO...One of the best Imperial Stouts Ive had. My favs are still Oak Aged YETI by far, and Old Rasputin...followed by Storm King.

My favorite Victory is OLD HORIZONTAL. :kickass:

I need to send you a fucking Mix'r Six'r in the mail!! :kickass:
Old Horizontal is fucking amazing, definitely one of the top brews I've ever experienced.

If you ever send me some Old Yeti, Magic Hat, and 240 minute IPA, I kiss you!!! :kickass:

Sucks because I can find Great Divide and Dogfish Head brews out here, but not those varieties. :(
NADatar said:
Old Horizontal is fucking amazing, definitely one of the top brews I've ever experienced.

If you ever send me some Old Yeti, Magic Hat, and 240 minute IPA, I kiss you!!! :kickass:

Sucks because I can find Great Divide and Dogfish Head brews out here, but not those varieties. :(

If you sent me the loot for the brews, I'd gladly find a way. Honestly.
I've only had Magic Hat (#9 I think?) once, and it was GOOD. Although I was already drunk.

Im gonna pop the cork to this Newport Storm '05 Edition after this 90min IPA...

For the sixth year we have faithfully produced the next edition in our impressive series of annual limited beers. Copious amounts of Pale, Chocolate, and Munich malts gives the mouthfeel to this brew. Additionally, twenty pounds of East African Cocoa combines with subtle raspberry flavors to accentuate the beer's creative backbone. Though not laden with hop bitterness, we chose the Perle hop's mild spice and sweetness to complement the chocolate in this ale. Unusual care and a year of aging, as well as hand corking and a never to be used again recipe give this beer a signature flavor which should only improve with time. It is extremely limited, extremely strong, and extremely original, because as we like to say around here "It's All About Extremes!"
11.7% Alcohol by Volume.

Happy Trails,

Brent “Ghostrider” Ryan
NADatar said:
I've only had it once, and it was GOOD. Although I was already drunk.


Which one????

When I was a beer newbie I used to love the #9....but it's swill compared to the stuff I have regularly now. But then again, it blows Butt, Coors, Heineken, Corona, etc etc out of the bloody water. I'd say it's a second-tier kinda beer. It's available in literally EVERY fucking liquor store around here, no matter how small it least the #9 and usually Blind Faith. But they are all pretty accessible round these parts. I can get my hands on mostly anyhting to be honest because of my beloved Yankees Liquors. :kickass: Then, whatever they don't have (slim), I can prob find at a couple other places.
Anyone tried Heineken dark lager? $9.00 for a six-pack around here. It's (obviously) way different from regular Heineken and is actually a really delicious beer. Very, very dark with a malty and almost chocolate-like taste. Try it out.
I used to drink Heini darks in college. Not very good, but not bad.

Dark lagers are generally pretty boring, and that one is no exception. They are like stouts with no soul.