Official RC Snobby Beer Purchases Thread

something else....or FFF Gumballhead.

good on ya, I really want to drink the Gumballhead, lol

I just finished participating in a BIF (Beer-It-Forward for those of us reading this who have no idea what Doomy & I are talking about), and I got a shitton of tasty midwestern brews from this guy, so I'm drinking them all tonight I think
I've had both Pliny's, on tap, and then in growler, but you know they don't bottle that shiznit (not yet at least)

I have a bunch of the bottled Russian Rivers though, Damnation, Salvation, Supplication, etc.

Yeah, fuck them. I mean, they are good and all but I prefer authentic Belgians when in the mood. Damnit, I need to get my hands on some of that shit somehow.
Oh, and speaking of Reds Rye....have you tried Bear Republic Hop Rod Rye? Fuckin A. mm mmm mmmmm

I havent had it in a while.....its time for a haul.

one of the greatest IPAs around IMO, I have one in my fridge chillin' as we speak

I was in SF about 6 weeks back and it was crazy, the fucking WHOLE FOODS had bombers of those just sitting there, $3.50 each :rolleyes:
$3.50 each? lol wtf ...they are decently priced anyhow 'round these parts $4.99 tops but dayum!

Anywho...Im fuckin outta here for a night out of belligerence. Im gonna strangle some bitch with my anaconda and have her scream Jerry's name in his honor while my cock is hitting her larynx and her tongue is licking my grundel. It will come out like "Grrrrreeee" :kickass:
I enjoyed one of my favourites last night, Red Seal Ale.


It's like Red Nectar in that it is no nonsense, except this one has more hair to it.