Official RC Snobby Beer Purchases Thread

Last weekend I had one of the best beers I've ever tasted: St. Peter's Cream Stout

Absolutely delicious
I love their bottles. Beer is pretty good, too. :)

I drank 4 beers last Friday and suffered some serious memory lapse the next day:

Anderson Valley Brother David Double Ale (9%)
Avery The Reverend Quadrupel Ale (10%)
2x Mendocino Eye of the Hawk Ale (8%)

I don't even remember drinking the second Eye of the Hawk, but an empty bottle and filthy glass awaited my dizzingly awakened self around 6am, not realizing that the menu loop for a South Park DVD had been blasting away for several hours. Apparently, as I was later told, some time during the night the woman attempted to summon my presence, but I would not awaken from my drunken stupor, even though I was sitting upright the entire time. Evidentally she touched my face at one point, which provoked me to lick her hand like a dog. That's about when she gave up, muttering "well that was awkward."
I love their bottles. Beer is pretty good, too. :)

I drank 4 beers last Friday and suffered some serious memory lapse the next day:

Anderson Valley Brother David Double Ale (9%)
Avery The Reverend Quadrupel Ale (10%)
2x Mendocino Eye of the Hawk Ale (8%)

I don't even remember drinking the second Eye of the Hawk, but an empty bottle and filthy glass awaited my dizzingly awakened self around 6am, not realizing that the menu loop for a South Park DVD had been blasting away for several hours. Apparently, as I was later told, some time during the night the woman attempted to summon my presence, but I would not awaken from my drunken stupor, even though I was sitting upright the entire time. Evidentally she touched my face at one point, which provoked me to lick her hand like a dog. That's about when she gave up, muttering "well that was awkward."

fucking pussy :p:goggly:
In my defense, the Anderson and Avery beers were bigbottles, so in essence, two beers each. Plus it was on a nearly empty stomach.

But yeah, that's not nearly what I used to be able to put away on any given night. No more binge competitions for me! :loco:
hahaha I'm thinking back to days when me and my buddy were trying to kill ourselves.

One time he drank an entire bottle of Ol' Grandad 116. By the end of the evening he was on the floor, incoherently laughing, begging for someone to light his cigarette before picking his nearly dead ass off the ground. By the end of that evening, I was doing shots of cheap gin out of the weiner of a small boy-statue, and came down with a wicked case of the flu. The next day his skin looked bleached and he couldn't blink. "Feelin' fine."

Another time we got a recipe for Tom Collins, then bought a 1.75mL bottle of Bombay Sapphire, some soda, and a shitload of lemons. Between the two of us, we consumed entire fucking bottle within a few hours, then watched Lord of the Rings. I was at work the next day, but completely blind until around 11am. Neither of us has had a Tom Collins since.

Then there was that night we were polishing off the scotch supply at the local bar, trying to maintain a civil conversation about life while unable to so much as waltz toward the bathroom to take a piss. Girlfriend at the time drove my truck home, and we nearly ran over some college kids in the middle of the street, at which point my passed out passenger ass woke up saying "everyone okay?" "we're all good dog, no worries" as she hit the hood of my truck, as if saying thanks for not killing them apparently.

Oh, mercy.
Lately I've started actually putting a very specific cap on my drinking. I mean, it was fairly amusing to lose track of six hours and have the cell phone filled with really strange texts and voice mails of people asking me what happened, why the hell did I do X with Y, etc.

But you know what really was the Skinner-level, bang the pan and make little Albert fear the white bunny negative reinforcement? Fucking cell phone cams. It's one thing to hear about the stupid shit one does when completely pissed, it's another thing to have people sending you pictures of it... bloody hell.
But you know what really was the Skinner-level, bang the pan and make little Albert fear the white bunny negative reinforcement? Fucking cell phone cams. It's one thing to hear about the stupid shit one does when completely pissed, it's another thing to have people sending you pictures of it... bloody hell.
And yet another one to wake up with tubes in you and outside in northern sweden at 3 am and bloody and naked under your desk/in your sofa (if lucky) and on the bathroom floor and on the street and in a bush etc

/Hell Mike

All Individually Wrapped!

Found at a local spot...


You can kind of see my ace Necromantia shirt...

:kickass: the two I'm most excited for!

:kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
Every Trappist beer I've had is great... so I'm not worried about that. I had to buy the Imperial stout because I've only had one other before :)