Official RC Snobby Beer Purchases Thread

I remember not really enjoying Anchor Porter, but it wasn't bad by any means.

Anchor Steam are a good, but not great, brewery. Not unlike Sierra Nevada. Excellent stepping stone for bigger and better things, but never a bad choice while travelling.

[/specific snob]
very well said

I call them "gateway" microbreweries. Neither one makes anything outstanding (save for Sierra's Celebration Ale & Bigfoot Ale, and Anchor's Old Foghorn).

TGD: you really want to try some superb porters, track down Sinebrychoff Porter (known as Koff Porter for short) from Finland. It's quite possibly the best in the world.
Added to my list of "If there really is a god who loves us and wants me to be happy..." :lol:

Since I started off with the porter, Samuel Smith Imperial Stout is up next.

I'm not sure how widely available the Koff Porter is, but it's all over the NE U.S., so it's possible you can find it in the midwest.

Can you get/have you seen any of the following in your neck of the woods?

Rogue Mocha Porter (from OR)
Stone Smoked Porter (from CA)
Great Lakes Edmund Fitzgerald Porter (from OH, IMO the best American-made porter)
Three Floyds Alpha Klaus Xmas Porter (from IL)
Deschutes Black Butte Porter (from OR)
Thomas Hooker Imperial Porter (from CT)
Bully! Porter (from MO)
Chief Blackhawk Porter (from WI)

that's a good list to start with
Stone Smoked Porter (from CA)
Deschutes Black Butte Porter (from OR)
These are two of my abosolute favourites, can't second the recommendation enough. I honestly can't think of any others right now because it's too hot to think about porters too seriously. :goggly:
Spare me your violent threats, I'm a man of peace.

Speaking of Rogue, if the stars are all aligned in place, we will be venturing to their Bay Area Ale House on the way to WitTR. :kickass:


On the other hand, starting Friday night, I'll probably be drunk/stoned immaculate continuously until 9/25. Vacation coming up next week with nothing better to do. Sucks not having a g/f anymore to do shit with and all my friends gonna be working...boring-ass vaca. Would love to go camping...fuck it, ill probably go hike some mountain by myself....cocked.
If I dont hang out my chica Carla tonight, Im gonna go to a beer tasting at my friend's liquor store which will consist of:

St. Bernardus Abt 12
St. Bernardus Triple
St. Bernardus Prior 8 Dubbel
St. Bernardus Wit
Val-Dieu Triple
Echt Kriekenbier
Oud Beersel Framboise Lambic

And a plethora of other bottles of other ridiculous random shit that usually gets opened for the "afterparty."
The wommang and I got a sixer of Shipyard's Pumpkhead Ale, a bomber of Moylan's IPA, and a bomber of Anderson Valley's High Roller Wheat


The pumpkinhead ale is good stuff. Gonna have a slice of pumpkin pie later with a bottle of it.

Moylans IPA is decent.

AV's High Roller Wheat was weird. Decent.

Champion of the night, Shipyard Pumpkinhead Ale