Official RC Snobby Beer Purchases Thread

So I happened upon a few 6ers of Deschutes Obsidian Stout recently, my #1 beer of the past... 8 years. I have had many a great brew since discovering that one, but it is still my favourite. Smooth as glass, kicks ye in the ass.

I finally bought one of those castle box things of Fraoch Heather Ale, very lackluster. I'd rather drink a Belhaven, and even that is rarely first on my list.

Not sure if I mentioned it yet, but Mendocino's Blue Heron Pale is the finest pale I've tried in recent memory. Normally I'm an IPA dude because pales don't have as much flavour as I'd like. Not so with this one, just an incredible beverage.
Deschutes Obsidian fucking owns. Too bad it is a pain in the ass for me to get some on this here coast.

Never had that Mendocino Pale, but I've yet to be impressed with any of their beers, so I wouldn't have high hopes for it. ;)

Best pales on the planet list begins and ends with Dale's Pale Ale and Alpha King Pale Ale, with an honorable mention to Terrapin Rye Pale Ale. Don't bother debating me, because you'd just be wrong.
Man, Mendocino is one of those rare breweries that everything they do is golden to me. I've never been anything but pleasantly surprised by everything they do.

Shit probably just goes stale as it travels too far from home. :loco:
Man, Mendocino is one of those rare breweries that everything they do is golden to me. I've never been anything but pleasantly surprised by everything they do.

Shit probably just goes stale as it travels too far from home. :loco:

au contraire mon frere

they contract brew their crappy beer at a 2nd facility in upstate NY

you LIVE on the west coast and still don't even know what's good. that's inexcusable ;)
So, went with the more obvious tonight

Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout (was on sale, got 3 four packs)
Stone Ruination IPA
Dogfish Head Raison D'Etre
Sam Smith's Oatmeal Stout

And a 1.75 litre bottle of Tullamore Dew Irish Whisky
I agree. I knew a lot of guys who obsessed over that stuff and would constantly drink it. It was such ass, I didn't understand.
meanwhile, I've declared tonight Night of the Bombers.

I'm drinking all 22oz (or greater) beers, and I'm getting fucking hammered. Closed $285,000 in business in the last 36 hours, so you know what? I fucking deserve to be stinking drunk.