Official RC Snobby Beer Purchases Thread

I bought:

Sierra Nevada Stout
Sierra Nevada Porter
Sierra Nevada Harvest Ale
Great Divide Titan IPA
Great Divide Hercules Double IPA
Great Divide Yeti Imperial Stout
Weltenburger Kloster Asam Bock
Anchor Liberty Ale for a friend

Will be 21 in 11 days. Perhaps then I will go out in making some snobby beer purchases. everyone I have ever known only buys/drinks shitty common bud light type shit.

had that shit yesterday evening. Loveable bitter wooden taste.
I bought two big Double Bastards two and a half months ago, my last beerspree.

The second one is still in the fridge. I might drink it tomorrow night! Maybe.

[/the fun never stops]

I bought a bottle of Trader Joe's 18 year single malt scotch though, it said it was Macallan 18 and only $46 (!!!).

After bringing it home I researched it and found out that Macallan sells their excess barrels to whoever wants them for dirt cheap, takes no responsibility for their handling/care once out of their hands, and allows others to bottle them as The Almost Might Be Real McCoy.

Shit is perfectly okay, not amazing. I will compare it to Mac 18 some day, but at $150 / bottle is exactly double my heretofore Maximum Amount To Spend On Fucknig Booze. I plan on sneaking a flask into a bar and comparing them side by side. By "plan on" I mean "if I ever get around to it, which is 100% unlikely."

So I'm walking through the beer store last night, and suddenly a salesman, who presumably could tell I was already 3 beers in on an empty stomach, holds out a bottle and says "hey, have you tried the Pizza Beer yet?" In my mild stupor, I read "Oregano, Basil, Tomato, Garlic" on the bottle, and say "no, but I've gotta try it now!" A few minutes later, understanding that he's found a gullible mark, he comes by again and asks if I want the last autographed(!!) bottle too. "Uh, no, thanks, but I'll save that one for a true pizza beer aficionado."

So as vile as you might imagine that a Pizza Beer could be, it was at least three times that bad. Simply getting past the acidic vomit-odor as you raise the glass to your mouth is an enormous challenge. Then once you actually get it in your mouth, yes, it does in fact taste just like pizza. Really bad pizza, that's been soaked in beer. Holy shit. Only through herculean and idiotic effort, and much gagging and facial contortion, were three of us able to finish off the 16oz bottle. Highly recommended!! :goggly:

More sensible purchases:

Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA
Dogfish Head Indian Brown Ale
Three Floyd's Alpha King Pale Ale
Two Brothers Prairie Path Golden Ale
Allagash Dubbel
Berghoff Winter Ale

Rogue Chocolate Stout
Meantime Pale Ale
Meantime Coffee Porter
Left Hand Imperial Stout
Left Hand Milk Stout
Left Hand Black Jack Porter
Rodenbach Grand Cru
Andescher Dopplebock Dunkel
Copper Dragon Challenger IPA

For 15 fucking pounds!