Official RC Snobby Beer Purchases Thread

I have this local brew, Red Rock's Amber Ale, that is treating me well right now. A really hoppy taste... Definitely a keeper.


It's color is as advertised.
What are the odds of purchasing an entire case of skunky beer from Europe? I understand beer doesn't travel well and it just doesn't taste right. It kinda smells like vag, too. With all due respect to the vagina, I don't really want to smell it while drinking my beer.
Everything in this thread? :p

I wish I could get these kind of snobby beers over here, I need swizzle to come spend a weekend in berlin and show me what I've got in my own town. :p
Tomorrow I'm goin' to a buddy's house to delve into some saved bombers & growlers he has. Free booze :kickass:

Also, making a trek to this liquor store that stocks brews from all across the U.S...including Founders, Three Floyds, Dogfish Head, etc

Turns out only one six pack in the case was skunky. This latest one is really good. Domestic cans only from now on though - fuck this fancy schmancy bottled Euro-crap.
Went to an awesome (probably best) beer store in the Los Angeles area yesterday. It was actually a liquor store that had an outstanding beer selection. Felt like a kid in a candy store...picked up the following...

Dogfish Head 60 min IPA
Dogfish Head 90 min IPA
Dogfish Head Aprihop
Dogfish Head Midas Touch
Allagash Curieux
Lost Abbey Judgement Day
Great Divide Oak Aged Yeti Imperial Stout

They had tons more from breweries all across the U.S. Going back soon to pick up Three Floyds, Founders and more!

My buddies and I spent a mega amount of cash there and the dude who ran the place hooked us up with even more Dogfish Head :kickass:

I want to try The oak aged and the dogfish head!

FUCK England and their hatred of hops!