Official RC Snobby Beer Purchases Thread

Hardly snobby, but I can't afford to be for Meat Camp. I almost bought Tarantula tequila again because it's cheap. Then I thought better of it and bought even cheaper tequila :lol:

had a delicious dogfishhead 90min yesterday

about to take my last final of college!! evar!! yessssssssssss then homeward to drink myself stupid while cleaning the despicable mountain of trash that is my house
6 pack DFH 60 Minute IPA
4 pack Flying Dog Double Pale Ale
6 pack St. Rogues' Red Ale
6 pack Fort Colons Rocky Mountain IPA
6 pack Goose Island Summertime
First, there aren't any hops in wine.

Second, it's made of BARLEY. BARLEY-WINE.

Go back to beer school, newb.

This has to be sarcasm, because you've had Bigfoot.

Nick, you're wrong, Brandon is correct. Barley Wine does in fact contain hops.

newb. :p

I fucking abhor BarleyWine. Brandon, you also fail. :heh:

Nope, Barleywines fucking rule. One of my favourite styles. :kickass: