Official RC Snobby Beer Purchases Thread

You need to try the Holiday Cheer next time around. Tastes so fucking nasty I love it. It has an almond and peach flavor. Vomit-astic.

Shiner's a great beer.
You need to try the Holiday Cheer next time around. Tastes so fucking nasty I love it. It has an almond and peach flavor. Vomit-astic.

Shiner's a great beer.

Yeah I've heard it's nasty. But nothing can be nastier than the cherry stout from Heathen Crusade 2! I don't even know who makes it. It was on tap and I could have sworn it said Bass, but I was pretty drunk and could have been mistaken, plus I can't find anything about a Bass stout.

VILE! :lol:

Like coffee and cherry cough syrup mixed together.

Edit: Bell's, mayhaps.
Double Simcoe is an amazing beer at an amazing value. You ever chew on a fucking pine cone? Not until you have had that beer. THE single most piney beer you will ever have in your life.

Other than that, Weyerbacher are hit or miss except their Insanity and Oaked Imperial Stout..both in bombers, are really good.
Yeah I've heard it's nasty. But nothing can be nastier than the cherry stout from Heathen Crusade 2! I don't even know who makes it. It was on tap and I could have sworn it said Bass, but I was pretty drunk and could have been mistaken, plus I can't find anything about a Bass stout.

VILE! :lol:

Like coffee and cherry cough syrup mixed together.

I don't know what you're talking about. Strange, I thought we were becoming pals too.
Well, if it was Bell's then I have no clue why it gets such high ratings on BA. Everyone that tried it had the most horrid look of disgust and impending vomit on their face. The only one that liked it was Jerry, but that was because he was so drunk he couldn't taste it. "It's like maple syrup!" :lol: :ill: