Official RC Snobby Beer Purchases Thread

yo anyone had that rogue brewery imperial stout what comes in a big ass stoneware jug? i just saw it for a pretty outrageous price but it looked fanciful

today i drink EINBECKER WINTER-BOCK, COOPERS BEST EXTRA STOUT and MONKEY WRENCH STRONG ALE -- i have never had any of these beers before
how much is it over there? we would pay an equivalent of about 16 dollars for it here which kinda hurts
how much is it over there? we would pay an equivalent of about 16 dollars for it here which kinda hurts

Around the same price. +/- a buck or two depending on where you go. Beer prices are getting fucking ridiculous as it is as of a year or so ago. I used to try everything under the sun, now I refuse to buy a lot of shit nowadays because of the dumb fucking pricing.
until proven otherwise, this is my firm belief: the entirety of asia has an absolutely dreadful (lack of) beer culture
So I don't really know anything about beer (I've previously been forced to drink whatever is bought for me), but Monday is the 21st anniversary of my birth, and i wanna make a decent purchase. Please gimme some recommendations. Not a big fan of IPA's i think. I dig lagers. I liked Swizzles beer at HC3.