Official RC Snobby Beer Purchases Thread

Today I picked up

Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout
Big Bear Black Stout
Hop Rod Rye
Bush Ambrée
Mephistopheles' Stout
Weihenstephaner Korbinian
Sierra Nevada Harvest Ale
Redemption Red Ale
Has Delerium Tremens been mentioned here? I can't be bothered to search. Anyway, I had two of them tonight at $9 each. I was a bit taken aback by the price. By the second one though, I was already buzzed enough by the 8.5% not to give a shit.
i dont know if you can get this in america or wherever you guys at BUT my favorite SEASONAL CHRIST-MASS BEER so far this year is SOLSTICE D'HIVER from BRASSERIE DIEU DU CIEL in canada. it's a very very nice barley wine (9,8% so you know you're getting winterwarmed)

nice name and label too. pick it up if you see it, comes with my recommendations

I wish I was dead LOL
yeah, I like brew dog. Punk IPA is ace on tap. Their double IPA isn't that great, but their aged stouts rule.
Sierra Nevada Celebration Ales are in stock now... holy fucking American IPA GODLINESS. The smell is what I wish every beer to smell like, and the taste? My tongue hops. This combined with the Rogue Yellow Snow? Fuck yeah!