Official Statement Released

Poison My Eyes, in my opinion, is the most underrated Anthrax song ever! The riffs, John's vocal layering during the second verse, the solo. catchy as fuck! A few months ago, my dad, a 60 year old doctor, said to me, "that's the only song of theirs I really liked." Ha!

Arnold and Anthrax: together at last! At last being 1993!

Why didn't that song make SOWN? A perfect record that would have been made that much more perfect. What about Auf Weidersehen? Picturing Scott stomping around during the main riff gives me the chills. A great song to play along to on the drums, too. Their cover of that song is what turned me onto and made me a Cheap Trick fan.
According to an Anthrax press statement, the band is considering new singers and looks forward to touring late in 2009 and into 2010.

The latest rumor is an unknown vocalist, Todd Cage, who recently auditioned for Velvet Revolver has contacted Anthrax about an audition. Cage responded to the rumor in a myspace bulletin and stated " I wish! I'm a huge Anthrax fan!".
Poison My Eyes, in my opinion, is the most underrated Anthrax song ever! The riffs, John's vocal layering during the second verse, the solo. catchy as fuck! A few months ago, my dad, a 60 year old doctor, said to me, "that's the only song of theirs I really liked." Ha!

Arnold and Anthrax: together at last! At last being 1993!

I think it should've been on SOWN too, it would've been a great Side 2 opener. (I had the cassette back in the day!) But what would you take off if you had to.
My picks would be Packaged Rebellion, C11 H17 N2 O2 S Na, or maybe Burst.
Not that they're bad songs just that Poison My Eyes is better.
I'd have absolutely kept Packaged Rebellion on the album - that's one of my favorite Anthrax songs ever. Sodium Pentathol and Burst are definatly the two weakest songs on SOWN.
Poison My Eyes, in my opinion, is the most underrated Anthrax song ever! The riffs, John's vocal layering during the second verse, the solo. catchy as fuck! A few months ago, my dad, a 60 year old doctor, said to me, "that's the only song of theirs I really liked." Ha!

Arnold and Anthrax: together at last! At last being 1993!

Why didn't that song make SOWN? A perfect record that would have been made that much more perfect. What about Auf Weidersehen? Picturing Scott stomping around during the main riff gives me the chills. A great song to play along to on the drums, too. Their cover of that song is what turned me onto and made me a Cheap Trick fan.

Agree, great song. Good thing that Last Action HEro soundtrack is super cheap. This and Bordello of Blood should have been B-sides.
That's a tough one. Black Lodge is my favorite song of all time. That stays. Maybe Invisible. Maybe. Part of Hy Pro Glo was my senior yearbook quote. Maybe not Invisible. Fuck! I'm stumped.

That I can think of, SOWN and Suicidal For Life by Suicidal Tendencies are the two albums that are perfect in my eyes. There's not a song I would take out Suicidal For Life. Though, I know many, many people will dispute me on that.

Be dangerous and unpredictable and make a lot of noise.
I would love for Anthrax to get back on track. This is just fuckin' goofy
as hell! Anthrax is one of the bands that got me so headstrong into thrash! They have had several great singers throughout the
years! And I feel one would not exist without the other!! Dan did not work out for some reason or another( Probably some weak ass political BS between the two if I were asked to bet) but they have allways delivered, will continue to deliver, and will have one of the most wicked moshpits at any given concert!!!! The hand of Fate has spoken and we will all watch it DELIVER!!!!!:rock::rock::kickass::kickass:
After all of the bad luck Anthrax have had ie: Chernobyl, SOWN being redone after the the studio flooded because of a severed dog head clogging the drain, igNITION folding just after Volume 8 was released, etc. Do you think they're really going to quit after this if John doesn't return? They wouldn't be Anthrax if they did!
I'd have absolutely kept Packaged Rebellion on the album - that's one of my favorite Anthrax songs ever. Sodium Pentathol and Burst are definatly the two weakest songs on SOWN.

The only song I always skip from that album is Invisible, that for me is the only filler.
According to an Anthrax press statement, the band is considering new singers and looks forward to touring late in 2009 and into 2010.

The latest rumor is an unknown vocalist, Todd Cage, who recently auditioned for Velvet Revolver has contacted Anthrax about an audition. Cage responded to the rumor in a myspace bulletin and stated " I wish! I'm a huge Anthrax fan!".

I would just question any newbie on whether they can handle the road and do they drink alot.:u-huh:
WTF!!! Was a huge fan starting with John Bush.
Saw a last show with John at the ROCK HARD Festival in Germany 2003 - damn good show.
But all I heard of the last years was a lot of crap!!!

Despite all this I thought the guys will make it again with Dan after seeing them in Twistringen at the Reload Festival on 04.07.09.
Enjoyed the show with all the crowd around!!!
After the show I just needed to buy an Anthrax shirt and looked forward buying the new CD in Oktober..... to sell the shirt...won´t buy a new CD!!!

Just have to say this: YOU guys killed all I had in mind with Anthrax - whats up with you???
You should be old enough to be grown up now - but it seems we can´t see anything like that.

For me I just don´t know the thruth like anybody here but - Frank, Scott, Charlie and Rob you´ve just lost my respect after all.

That´s it!

And what if Bush overdubs the vocals and comes back? Will you still be done with the band? Not to sound like a message board elitist (no one is saying that you have to have a login and post to be a real fan), but it's kind of laughable all the people that are signing up to make their first post their farewell post. I understand the sentiment... but are the four members personally offending any of you in any way? Are they interfering with how you go about your life? It's not like Anthrax decided that they are going to be a jazz fusion/hip hop/death rap metal band. They changed singers. If you liked what you heard with Bush, and you liked what you heard with Nelson, and there's a chance that Bush would re-record what Nelson did, why would you be pissed now?
I will make my first post now. Instead of a farewell I guess it will be a ... welcome? ;-) anyway. I think it would be just absolutely, kick-ass brilliant awesome if Bush comes back.

met a fellow colleague who is an Anthrax-fan at work today. he is going to Wacken (I live in Germany) and said that "they" (whoever that refers to) are in negotiations for an Anthrax show at W with John Bush. I guess not, or has anyone heard of that?

other than posting this rumour-style-question (sorry) I am quite patient regarding the future of thrax. best case is of course that Bush will say tonight he´s back for good and that an album with der Meister himself on vocals will be released as planned in October (don´t rush it mates!). but, I have been waiting long enough for a record. let them take time. beacuse I am sure it will be füüüüüüüüüücking cool and great!
Being a hardcore Bush-era fan, I just want to shout out a huge "fuck yeah" to his return in Anthrax. But deep down inside, there's still a lil' something in me that is hoping he tells them to go fuck themselves (again...). Unless the band makes an official statement about how they begged him to come back...