how was it benny!!! did you get anything signed, or get to meet or take pics with any of the guys?
J dub, your post is a little redundant...Arnt speedos always one size to small?
You caught Tali fanning the band with a palm frond, while wearing a speedo (one size too small)?
nah its all gooooood.. back to boring old reality now
Some of you yanks might remember the talented Mr Daddo as an MTV VJ from 1990-1991.
Sorry Tali, he has three brothers - Lochie, Cameron & Jamie. Lochie & Cameron are the other tv Daddo's and Jamie is an artist.Yeah....the prick woke me (and my Taliesin bass player) up when we were down the coast 17 years ago about 6am...him and his (at the time smokin hot) mrs were camping in a remote spot on the beach and his motorbike had gotten bogged and he wanted a hand getting it pushed up the hill.
From that day on i decided i had to complete the set and meet the other 2 brothers.