Oh my God I'm OOOOOLD!!!

you're only as old as you feel, and last time I squeezed, I felt pretty good! :lol: My grey patch of hair is getting bigger but it doesn't bother me. I've passed the great number 42, the answer to life and everything else so it's all good, here's hoping I remember it all next year!!!:goggly:
what is a gray hair?

It's the "new blonde" That's what gray hair is :)

My daughter (who is way taller than me now) loves being able to point out when she finds a rogue gray hair on my head. My sister had really dark hair and went gray in her mid-twenties. For me, I've been fortunate where it's only a few here and there, but what's truly odd is that when I find a gray, it has a wirey curl to it.

Alicia, don't be plucking the grays on the brows, use manicure scissors and trim them. What happens with plucking is that as more grays grow, you wind up with holes/patches after plucking a bunch of them.
It's the "new blonde" That's what gray hair is :)

My daughter (who is way taller than me now) loves being able to point out when she finds a rogue gray hair on my head.

...my xbf is 6'4" and i am about 5'3"...whenever he saw a gray hair on my head (i think he was really imagining them ;)) he would pluck it out without asking first........
It's the "new blonde" That's what gray hair is :)

Alicia, don't be plucking the grays on the brows, use manicure scissors and trim them. What happens with plucking is that as more grays grow, you wind up with holes/patches after plucking a bunch of them.

Oh they grow where I normallly pluck anyway :) Doesn't bother me all that much to have grey here and there. And I don't color my hair to cover grey - I do it because I get bored with what it looks like. I once had a coworker who tried to pluck a grey from the side of my head. "Hold still, I missed"... I swear she would have kept trying for it until I had a bald spot. LOL
I started finding gray hairs when I was 26. They're slowly spreading. A lot of them are actually WHITE - I lie to myself and say they're blonde. (I do have a blonde streak) But like Alicia, I don't color to hide it; my natural shade is just blah.
I just played in late Nov my Iron Maiden Behind the Iron Curtain, Video pieces, & The Ultimate Revenge with Venom, Slayer & Exodus all in BETA tape on my still working 4 head Sony Betamax the remote has a wire :lol: Damn i'm getting old too.
I just played in late Nov my Iron Maiden Behind the Iron Curtain, Video pieces, & The Ultimate Revenge with Venom, Slayer & Exodus all in BETA tape on my still working 4 head Sony Betamax the remote has a wire :lol: Damn i'm getting old too.

Hang on to that sucker! The Smithsonian may be contacting you! :)
I have a friend who has hundreds of beta tapes, and no player. There's some music gems amongst those tapes.....
Wired remote? Lucky dog.

My home stereo (in the bedroom, wired to the 'puter and used for SeismicRadio) is an old, still-working Technics model that was made before remotes (wired or otherwise) were common. (!)

Every front-panel light on it, except the LEDs, burned out at least 5 years ago. It works just fine. :kickass:
In the spirit of feeling old I'm actually sitting here recalling my childhood trip to Pangaea. Now THAT'S old! :lol:

* Note to self: I better prepare myself for the very likely possibility that I'll be the only one who actually understands that..... :lol:
In the spirit of feeling old I'm actually sitting here recalling my childhood trip to Pangaea. Now THAT'S old! :lol:

* Note to self: I better prepare myself for the very likely possibility that I'll be the only one who actually understands that..... :lol:

Wrong! I got it! :) Pan = god of "all" .. Gaea = mother goddess of the earth.. Pangaea = All Earth & the name of the one land mass on the planet when all the continents were connected! Some of us paid attention in history AND mythology class! :cool: That's pretty old alright, but I'd be really impressed if you said you remembered the star seed. :)
Wrong! I got it! :) Pan = god of "all" .. Gaea = mother goddess of the earth.. Pangaea = All Earth & the name of the one land mass on the planet when all the continents were connected! Some of us paid attention in history AND mythology class! :cool: That's pretty old alright, but I'd be really impressed if you said you remembered the star seed. :)

Well done! You're hereby appointed as the forum's Science Officer :p