
Till Fjalls

May 21, 2001
* Toronto *
Do yourselves a favor and download the new Enslaved Samples!!!!!!!! Holy goddamn crap!! :eek: :loco: :eek: I knew these guys were headed for something intensely unique after the last album! This will be the headbanging/chilling/drinking/smoking up/ spacing out album of the year!

Yes! Yes! Yes! \m/:mad:\m/

At least d/l smirr, for your own good! http://www.enslavedunion.com
eh... sorry, but its nothing special
that "visions.." song reminds me of pantera.... not a good thing :)
unique? :confused: i don't know what you've been drinking/smoking , but you need to get me some :D
Ok you asked for it....

-First song starts off with an mysterious guitar tune, then turns into a unbelievably simple (and bad) rob halford riff with some ridiculous vocals then breaks into a slightly better droning guitar line reminicent of my dying bride

-second song, cliche maiden riff, cheesy vocals kick in and then well hmmmm....uh one word: Pantera! avec sleazy out-of-tune lead guitar. I've heard better from our high-school rock band!

-Third song sounds like a badly mixed cover of all the bad songs by Emperor, Immortal, and Darkthrone all topped off with bad vocals and production!

If you enjoy this music, then i apologize, its just my opinion... but when a band starts to lose the plot its time to get real and stop sucking their dicks