He's really quite yellow, isn't he? (my tale of Heathen Crusade)

MadeInNewJersey said:

Somehow I check out random forums and I wind up in Heathenfest pictures on the site (I'm the guy in the backround with a beer in hand leaning against the wall).

We had so many people at one point it's hard to remember all of you (plus the alcohol didn't help), but always nice to look at the best weekend of my existance.

By the way, if they hold the fest next year, sorry for probably getting us all banned from that hotel for trashin 5 rooms and the hallway in the span of 3 nights, but I tipped the maids $10 a day to clean all that mess up, so maybe they'll let us back.
Dmanx Pit said:
Somehow I check out random forums and I wind up in Heathenfest pictures on the site (I'm the guy in the backround with a beer in hand leaning against the wall).

We had so many people at one point it's hard to remember all of you (plus the alcohol didn't help), but always nice to look at the best weekend of my existance.

By the way, if they hold the fest next year, sorry for probably getting us all banned from that hotel for trashin 5 rooms and the hallway in the span of 3 nights, but I tipped the maids $10 a day to clean all that mess up, so maybe they'll let us back.

Yeah, I pretty much remember you sorta, but yes memories are quite blurry. Nice to see/hear from you. Keep in touch...

-Brutal Amy #1-
Heyyyyyy I see Sebastian and Tomaz!
and even Kris!
good people!!!!!!

awesome pics... I think my favorite part of this whole thread
is to see people wearing ANCIENT RITES shirts!
way the go guys!

here's my contribution, aka my shameless thread humping:


GREAT pics, MadeInNewJersey!

and Cara...... mm mmmmm mmmm you look lovely m'lady :)
Dead_Lioness said:
^ its just a funny pic I have with Belgar and Kupshi :tickled:

but thanks for using Lizard's joke ;)
whats up Asmodea? :)


Hard times, I'm in my exam week, 2 are done, and 2 are coming this weekend (I hate having exams sunday afternoons) and I have a finance work to complete for tomorrow. I sleep 4-5 hours per night and I'm having a cold because of the stress :loco:

University ftw!
AsModEe said:

Hard times, I'm in my exam week, 2 are done, and 2 are coming this weekend (I hate having exams sunday afternoons) and I have a finance work to complete for tomorrow. I sleep 4-5 hours per night and I'm having a cold because of the stress :loco:

University ftw!

yeah. it's grand eh?