He's really quite yellow, isn't he? (my tale of Heathen Crusade)

Shadesofdespair said:
Whoa! Dude, you must have been drunk! I'm the one with NO rack, sheeeesh! Get your tits straight! :hotjump:
But I have a pic of you ass...hmmmm, I should post that!!!!

I rule, you all know it.

You're on the left? or right?

no matter, post boobs pics!
Twilight shirt, so that would be the one of the left. I just noticed I have both those shirts as well. Azentrius from Nachmystium gave me the Twilight one actually.
En Vind Av Sorg said:
Twilight shirt, so that would be the one of the left. I just noticed I have both those shirts as well. Azentrius from Nachmystium gave me the Twilight one actually.

'Tis I, yes. Oh, your talking about Blake. Ha ha, yeah he's pretty rad. The funny thing is, the night before I wore the Twilight shirt I was wearing a Nachtmystium shirt, ha ha! I bet no one had a clue who I was wearing. I did some photo work for Nachtmystium when they were out in California for two nights. They turned out sooooo good! You know Blake is in Twilight right? In fact, you can point him out on the back of the shirt, ha ha!
Shadesofdespair said:
'Tis I, yes. Oh, your talking about Blake. Ha ha, yeah he's pretty rad. The funny thing is, the night before I wore the Twilight shirt I was wearing a Nachtmystium shirt, ha ha! I bet no one had a clue who I was wearing. I did some photo work for Nachtmystium when they were out in California for two nights. They turned out sooooo good! You know Blake is in Twilight right? In fact, you can point him out on the back of the shirt, ha ha!

Yup, hes a cool guy. Met him when Nachmystium was touring with SunnO))) a few months ago. There was maybe 20-25 people at the show, no one knew who either of them were really. I ended up helping him carry one of his giant inverted crosses covered in barbed wire (stage prop they were using) back to there trailer. Sat around after the show and talked with him and Malefic about Twilight and black metal for awhile. Malefic was so drunk, it was great.
Shadesofdespair said:
Holy freakin' crap. So this is where the infamous Mark and Greg reside...hehe! Hey guys it's Amy #1....This was very nicely done!!! Ha ha, good times good times! You still haven't seen my pics yet I presume? Have you seen the 'girls gone wild' or the 'heathen head video'?
Is there a link to the pics you took (by the way, I'm Greg).

Shadesofdespair said:
'Tis I, yes. Oh, your talking about Blake. Ha ha, yeah he's pretty rad. The funny thing is, the night before I wore the Twilight shirt I was wearing a Nachtmystium shirt, ha ha! I bet no one had a clue who I was wearing. I did some photo work for Nachtmystium when they were out in California for two nights. They turned out sooooo good! You know Blake is in Twilight right? In fact, you can point him out on the back of the shirt, ha ha!


when we met in the hotel hallway that 1st night, wasn't it I who said "hey, is that a Nachtmystium shirt?" :Spin: