Heathen Crusade

Unfair? I think a sentence accidentally got cropped there.
Too much cutting and pasting.

Yeah, it'll be interesting to see what happens in the future to try and keep the festival at the forefront of U.S. metal festivals. But we definitely both agree on the top notch organization, that much, it seems, will never change.
I'm curious to see if next year's fest is more of the same or whether or not he shakes things up.

Too much cutting and pasting.


General Zod said:
I'm curious to see if next year's fest is more of the same or whether or not he shakes things up.

Same here - I'm certainly interested, but I just bowed out for this year today. The expenses of the other festivals, coupled with a lineup that doesn't do much for me outside of Virgin Steele and the decision was finally made. Wasn't an easy one, as it's always a good time.
