Oh no they didnt!!!!


God To The Godless
Nov 3, 2002
Here's an image of Nintendo's Revolution controller....


...a fucking remote controll?!?!?!?!?!?
i read an article from IGN and they went a little more in depth about all the POTENTIAL this device has, but after the Gamecube, i'm a little skeptical about Nintendo's ability to live up to their own hype.
lol, there are so many different fan made controls out there, and i highley doubt that is the one they will be using for the Revolution. if it was anything, it would have to probably be for any DVD movie controls.
Gee, that's a bit clunky to use, isn't it? *scratches head*
Far and away, I like the design of the Sega Genesis controllers back in the day. At present, it's the Playstation 2 controller for me. :)
The individual who posted about another piece was right. The controller has a second part that is cabled to the first piece. It is sort of like a big analog stick which opens possibilities for the types of games to be released in the near future although even with that, I still have many doubts as to whether or not it will prove ample.
Edgecrusher said:
i read an article from IGN and they went a little more in depth about all the POTENTIAL this device has, but after the Gamecube, i'm a little skeptical about Nintendo's ability to live up to their own hype.

That's also what people said when they invented putting a modern analog stick on a controller.

The individual who posted about another piece was right. The controller has a second part that is cabled to the first piece. It is sort of like a big analog stick which opens possibilities for the types of games to be released in the near future although even with that, I still have many doubts as to whether or not it will prove ample.

There's various shells and adds ons you can use. One of them being this one, which makes it basically the Gamecube controller.