oh , shit I forgot what i was going to say..no shit



Must be the wtiches brew??


NAHH IT was about GODSMACK, check em out, especially the lyrics...plug

its there...
oh i have a secret
its a heavy metal one
that will shock you all..................
will tell you all later!
i'm not so big on Godsmack. i mean the title track from Awake was better than anything i had heard previously from them(which i disliked alot).
Though, i've been listening to that Disurbed song Prayer alot lately and it is FUCKING GREAT! i wanna hear the whole CD now. i'll have to borrow it from a friend. I wonder if its anything like Prayer?
howsthe weather??
I am glad you have traded with ledmag...he is now interested in so many new bands...
rebirth said:
howsthe weather??
I am glad you have traded with ledmag...he is now interested in so many new bands...

pitch night, temperature normal, during the day: hell.
yeah, with ledmag, we'll talk some more and make new arrangments... :cool:

*falls onto knees and slams fists on ground*
*throws fists into air*

oh shit, I was just reminded of this badass movie I saw yesterday with syllvestor stallone, HOLD UP, grade....B, maybe C+ shit right there