OH.....SONG IDEA!!!!

lt. Colonel Ragnar

Commander of the VRF
Jan 22, 2007
Belgrade, Maine
GOBLIN LOVE SONG!!! for valentines day..or i should say...goblintines day...yeah that was corey..geeze..ok well yeah anyway. i was thinking about it and it cam eto midn that with the whole love theme going on you shoudl make a vanetines day song, Commited to gobliney, *bows*, as you do best... and wreak havoc on the world of those who love one another. write about the goblins coming in and slaughtering people while dancing on top of the rose pettles and eating chocolate till the puke. then running into the streets with the heads of chocolate .....fuck whats the name of that little bastard....CUPID! there we go. chocolate heads of cupid on their spear tips and shovign them into peoples bodies and what not......

as always with me, i can come up with wonderful ideas...or at least i think they are.....and can never complete them in any: way, shape or form. so i'll leave it to the professionals of this area..of...goblinness.
well we have been working on a "goblin power ballad" for a little while... maybe not what you had in mind, and it probably won't be done for a while.
colonel, grow up man....

and tim, nice one...hope yeh had a nice day and got fairly drunk :kickass: lmao

shame i have nobody to celebrate valentines day with...but heck, im saving money