Oh those wacky Muslims!

AsModEe said:
I heard shaving is against their religion
Fuck. Well, for the experience, and for the "I totally screwed a Muslim" credibility, I'll deal with it.

In my travels, I've found reborn Christian tang to be the harriest. YMMV.
Erik said:



ughgh, so many valid reasons to hate the west, and they pick religion :Puke:
Yeah I don't have a problem with someone's belief system, shit I probably have mine all wrong anyhow so I can't talk shit on someone else.

But a lot of religious people are straight dicks, and that sucks.
En Vind Av Sorg said:
haha what, is Iran 6 years old now? "Ohh yea! Well your family got baked alive so :p "
that sums my thought. Not only are they oversensitive, they are also pretty childish.
Go look on the Billy Milano forum, fatass is getting pretty crazy about it. Good for him, maybe all the excitement will make him lose some weight.
"Heavy Metal dead beat Billy Milano sweats off 95 pounds after rage induced panic attack over muslims, leading to 3 simultaneous heart attacks."
Krigloch the Furious said:
I really need to buy some guns and start training.

hahahah ... typical, Middle American statement ... don't worry, Springfield Illinios is NOT a terrorist target :loco:
No kidding:

Moreproof Islam should be destroyed.. Today 12:06 PM

I love how Europe is finally realizingf what scum these Muslims really are.. (Multi-page thread 1 2)
Buzzard Today 11:30 AM

What the fuck.. Fucking Scumbag Muslims once again show their true colors..
Buzzard Today 11:00 AM