Ok- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory...


"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
Should have never been made. It's sad to say that so many great movies have been butchered by these hollywood bloodsuckers for no other reason than they are just out of ideas. The original "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" was and is a GREAT family film. This new piece of shit version is beyond watching and should be out of the theatre soon. I highly recomend seeing the original.
gaschamber said:
i got money riding on that they remake THE SENTINEL.

Dude, those ignorant hollywood motherfuckers are already remaking The Warriors
Take a minute and let that sink in...I said THE WARRIORS!!!

It don't get anymore wrong than that!!! And you know that all their gonna do
is Mtv the hell out of it guaranting that anyone who saw the original will hate the remake!! It's a sad,sad world we're living in!!


Ajax: "What's the matter?? You gone Faggot??"
i know all about the warriors remake, theyre also making a video game for it too, but that shouldnt be bad, cause its gonna be like the original movie. they "re-did" SUBURBIA, but i didnt think it had any similarities to the original tho, and it sucked ass. i really cant even imagine how homo that new warriors will be.
I actually heard that Johnny Depp was influenced by Michael Jackson in his portrayal of Wonka...so I wanna see it just to see Depp lampoon that pedophile...

I agree that I am skeptical about it, though. I was a HUGE fan of Gene Wilder's interpretation of the book...and as far as I'm concerned, he is STILL Willy Wonka.

Bill: Were the bad kids' mutilations at least portrayed well? I wouldn't think that a Depp/Burton production would downplay any of the true darkness of the books, but you never know...plus it seems to me that it would be hard to copy the psychadelic creepiness of Wilder's Wonka...although Depp is the king of psychadelia (Fear & Loathing)
The remakes ARE getting out hand though...I mean, really: The Dukes of Hazzard? Bewitched? I absolutely refuse to watch that piece of shit....heard it's the only bad Will Ferrell movie out there, and the skank who plays Samantha is nothing but plastic....
You would think that with all the money that exchanges hands in Hollywood, someone could come up with an original fucking thought...geez...enough...who the hell wants to pay 10 bucks to see the same regurgitated crap.

Fuck 'em all!!!

Schenka fuckin' d'ere?
Sorry Emily...I forgot there may be ladies present, but I would think evil in a plaid skirt could handle quite a bit.

Oh, and gaschamber...yes, I promise. Maybe I'll even do the old silly cliche popcorn trick...does she like that one?