OK, don't laugh, but...


Insert cheesy quote here
Oct 23, 2003
Pacific Northwest
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...I had a family member get me the "Daughtry" album for Christmas because they figured it was my style of music, and I gotta say-----it's a freaking GREAT record. Yeah, yeah, I can hear you priming your fingers for the inevitable flames that are due to come for posting this, but I think it's a great rock record that is full of good tunes. Oh yeah, the guy WROTE EVERY SONG ON THE RECORD save one, so don't give me the bullshit about not having any talent.

If you've got an open mind and are looking for a good rock record, give it a spin, I guarantee you'll like it. Now if you are the kind of person that can't get enough of "cookie monster vocals, and yelling like a wookie" it may not be your cup of tea, but for everyone else it's worth a try.

Besides, this forum is boring as shit lately and we need something new to talk about.
Cheers to you for having the sand to admit you like something other than metal. We all do, some just don't like to admit it.
HeHe just for a second I allowed myself to believe that this post was going to start a trend, with all these hardcore metalheads standing up one after the other and proudly naming their most embarassing favorite bands, then I realised I have been watching way too many feelgood movies lately (damn you festive season) :lol:

Seriously though whos laughing you should see some of the stuff in my record collection :lol:
Hmm Belinda Carlisle "Ohh baby do you know what thats worth?" :headbang:
I have a Steve Earle album at home I'm not sure if thats better or worse than Belinda :lol:
Well come on whos next, come one come all drag your musical tastes over the burning coals of public humiliation
My musical tastes are all over the place, I could be listening to Anthrax or Motorhead today and Bob Dylan or Johnny Cash tomorrow.
Oh hell yeah. Daughtry is a pretty good disk. Glad he didnt win that fuckin contest or his first release would have blown monkeys. I listen to whatever the hell I like period. Got some pop, blues, damn near everything but country. I just cant get into it at all. Not to get all philosophical but isnt this sort of what Metal stood for in the beginning? No boundaries... stand up for your rights to choose etc etc etc. It wouldnt be very metal to listen only to metal.... or something..
I actually had to think about it because I really don't have any music outside of metal and hair bands. Although I don't have her albums, I have liked every song I heard by Kelly Clarkson so far and I didn't even watch American Idol.
I listen to a shitload of Non-Metal. I just listen to whatever I feel like. Everyone should do the same.
I actually had to think about it because I really don't have any music outside of metal and hair bands. Although I don't have her albums, I have liked every song I heard by Kelly Clarkson so far and I didn't even watch American Idol.

Girl can blow! I like her too.
No shame in Buckley:headbang: I have all his albums also. Some of my "not so metal" bands that I listen too quite often are

Big Head Todd and The Monsters
John Zorn
John Spencer Blues Explosion
& Blind Melon:OMG: There I said it, I'm not metal all the time:lol:

John Spencer Blues Explosion kicks ass. I forgot all about him.