Ok guys I have a problem


New Metal Member
Mar 5, 2013
I recorded a song, that have that well how to explain it: chugga 1 bar, one bar of silence then again chugga 1 bar (core-ish) sound... to take the hum between the played parts... do I have to manually cut or there is a well easier method ?
sorry if I can't explain it that well, maybe posting some clip tomorrow so you got the idea... thanks beforehand
I use a gate before and after the amp. one before to cut out the finger noise on the strings and one after to cut the amp hiss. on a record though, cutting audio that has no real signal is standard i.e. why protools has a strip silence function, because on a 25-50 track session all that room tone and background hiss builds up. so yeah, cut it. and get a gate so it wont distract you when you track.
Yeah cutting it is what I normally do, Only was thinking if there was a VST of something that gate the silent part, so well got to cut the fucker oh damn... Thanks guys, I am using amp sims btw, and have no noise problem or any hizz or fizz while playing, mixing, etc, only editing that parts is a pain in the ass tho, more when you are working in a song that has constantly that style of riffing. So cutting it will be

Thanks guys