OK- here is some news .


"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
For the last 7 months i have been riding my bike and exercising 5 days a week. I ride 20-25 miles a day. I walk about 5 miles a day when I don't ride and I am in the gym lifting weights 6 days a week. What is the results. I lost 110 pounds, I can now jog again, I have a renewed sense of what I want in life and I am actually starting to date again. I figured since I can now see my dick I might as well stick it in some chick. In other news, I am about to do some revamping of the website to include my Bottom line spoken word stuff, a video blog and go back to the format of the old site of interviewing bands and reviewing live shows.
Sorry again that I vanished but I wasn't in good health and I honestly needed a break. I'll be more pro active on the board.
For the last 7 months i have been riding my bike and exercising 5 days a week. I ride 20-25 miles a day. I walk about 5 miles a day when I don't ride and I am in the gym lifting weights 6 days a week. What is the results. I lost 110 pounds, I can now jog again, I have a renewed sense of what I want in life and I am actually starting to date again. I figured since I can now see my dick I might as well stick it in some chick. In other news, I am about to do some revamping of the website to include my Bottom line spoken word stuff, a video blog and go back to the format of the old site of interviewing bands and reviewing live shows.
Sorry again that I vanished but I wasn't in good health and I honestly needed a break. I'll be more pro active on the board.

good job! :headbang:
Great to hear the good news!

You know, I saw a seriously gross fuckin fat one-legged wheelchair fuck in the Wal-mart the other day.

I shook my head at the ghastly scene and thought to myself, "I know someone who was facing the same grim life, but he's turning it around and taking charge of it before it takes charge of him."

When I get home tonight, I'm filling a glass with fine Tokaj and toasting your success, Billy.

(PS., I trust your voice is still ferociously powerful, in spite of the thinning of the trunk??)

Awesome Billy! That's what I do basically. Working out each day. And I only wish more would realize that they have only one body. Once it's fucked it's fucked till the end. Just met some friends in my age in hilarious body conditions. That's giving me an extra motivation to keep my daily procedure going.
Jurched, You need to find a different Walmart.

I don't think changing stores would help, my friend.

Seems like every trip to a Walton-family-owned store results in some sense-numbing contact with bizarre and repulsive elements thankfully hidden from everyday view...

How many stories have I shared on this forum detailing the circus sideshows I've encountered at Wal-Mart? I dunno. I've lost count!

.....we all return.
Bill good to read your back and fit and strong......Everyone needs a break from the same old pal, like porn to much of the same makes it lame (except Jenna Haze of course).
I ran the London Marathon this year (under 4 hours) not bad for a big old lump !! Keep well mate and get your skinny arse over to the U.K so i can give you that cricket bat you wanted.

Lucky fucking bastard! Prague AC/DC show was sold out in none less than one fucking day. I was too late. Now the assholes on the internet want five to eight times more for a ticket. I'll get there somehow though, I just have to figure out how.
.....we all return.
Bill good to read your back and fit and strong......Everyone needs a break from the same old pal, like porn to much of the same makes it lame (except Jenna Haze of course).
I ran the London Marathon this year (under 4 hours) not bad for a big old lump !! Keep well mate and get your skinny arse over to the U.K so i can give you that cricket bat you wanted.

Sweet job on the marathon. I've done Chicago 3 times now and have yet to crack 4 hours
For the last 7 months i have been riding my bike and exercising 5 days a week. I ride 20-25 miles a day. I walk about 5 miles a day when I don't ride and I am in the gym lifting weights 6 days a week. What is the results. I lost 110 pounds, I can now jog again, I have a renewed sense of what I want in life and I am actually starting to date again. I figured since I can now see my dick I might as well stick it in some chick. In other news, I am about to do some revamping of the website to include my Bottom line spoken word stuff, a video blog and go back to the format of the old site of interviewing bands and reviewing live shows.
Sorry again that I vanished but I wasn't in good health and I honestly needed a break. I'll be more pro active on the board.

Excellent. Glad to hear you're doing better/alright. I was bummed to just today hear that you're not touring anymore. Whaddup with that? I've been AWOL from the board for awhile too and just heard about it.

At any rate, it's good to see you on the board again! I know losing weight is fucking tough. I gained about 80 pounds since the last we met due to the evil side-effects of prednisone. I guess that's the deal I had to make to stay alive, though. Now I have to figure out how to lose it.