Ok, I can't be arsed to come up with a bad story...


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
But, the end of the world is nigh, infact every human in the world (apart from you and 200 school children) is dead.....
You, as the only adult can teach them whatever they like....
So, what values would you like to try and instill in them?..
What music would you try and leave them with - music you think represents a fair balance of the music in the world today...
If you had one person who's values were in complete conflict with those you were trying topromote, what would you do? Not let them have kids when they grow up, try and change them? Where would you draw the line?
I don't think I would try and instill anything in them.
I might take it upon myself to mediate, but I think it would be important that the 200 would establish social contract between themselves. I couldn't really predict what the cultural needs of new society might be.

This reminds me of John Rawls - A Theory of Justice. You might like it, it considers how a political system might be constructed by those outside established society without personal prejudices.

I would tell them 'you're all going to have to have loads of sex when you're old enough.' Only for procreation of cource.
I would tell them 'you're all going to have to have loads of sex when you're old enough.' Only for procreation of cource.


I don't think I would try and instill anything in them

So you would teach them nothing? It is impossible to teach them without instilling something in them, and if you didn't (being a pesimist) I can see a lord of the flies type scenario developing.

And Tran, its gonna happen before the Opeth concert :heh:
Lord of the flies occured to me when I was writing actually, but I genuinely don't think that would happen. I think that since humanity was capable of forming social institution from within the state of nature, it could do it again.

Whatever deep rooted human faculties or capacities enabled mankind to develop comunities for itself, I believe, would still exist in the human psyche. If it so happened that most of the kids got killed in the process of establishing community, then I'd have no problem with that. It's more important that humanity survives.

It would make a real mockery of the political institution of human rights which are said to belong to people. Good.

(Chelsea just scored at Leeds yyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gudjohnsen 60)
i would reset the score. Will tell them the essencials of basic survival and basic knowledge without ever mentioning about about something spiritual or moral or sentimental and there i would retire myself to live alone for the rest of my days without making my location avaible to them. The problem in this world is too much people imposing their wills i would let them start over and make their own mistakes so in another 2000 years one of their decendents do the same i did and start over...I know it sounds really really copied but well no one here knows where do i got the idea...maybe Duvall knows =)
Originally posted by veil the sky
Lord of the flies occured to me when I was writing actually, but I genuinely don't think that would happen. I think that since humanity was capable of forming social institution from within the state of nature, it could do it again.

And battle royale a bit too! That is a very good point, I hadn't thought of it that way. Hmmmm :err: Butto me it would seem such a shame to lose what we have already.... hmmm. Its a difficult one. Damn whoever started this thread :mad: ;)

I think this is abasically a question of "what would your ideal view of humanity be"
I think this is abasically a question of "what would your ideal view of humanity be"

It is in a way, but I think what my ideals are for the society we live in today differ from my opinions about survival of the species which becomes an issue in your thought experiment.

And battle royale a bit too!

Battle Royale! What a great film. I love various kinds of Japanese media and that is just another example of a great film. I think it asks slightly different questions from Lord of the flies in that it is primarily concerned with the self-defense issue. There are obvious similarities though.

I don't know what my ideal view of humanity would consist of. It's such a mind-bogglingly huge thing to consider.:confused:

Makes you think eh!
I think we would just play wrestle all day or something. That's all I did when I was teaching in Japan. heheheh laziest fuckin teacher on earth.
Originally posted by veil the sky
Battle Royale! What a great film. I love various kinds of Japanese media and that is just another example of a great film. I think it asks slightly different questions from Lord of the flies in that it is primarily concerned with the self-defense issue. There are obvious similarities though.

I don't know what my ideal view of humanity would consist of. It's such a mind-bogglingly huge thing to consider.:confused:

Makes you think eh!

I never actually saw it :p Just heard about it - quite hard to get ur hands on here! It was designed to make you think ;) I didn't actually expect that many people to reply...
the question is interesting indeed, but to answer it i first had to lay back and think about it and then write quite a long statement, for which i have no time right now...:(