OK, I like black metal, but

People who take black metal so seriously are funny.

It's like laughing at retards or old people falling down...you feel like shit, but you can't help but laugh.
Black metal's fun when it gets all fanciful. Check out Trollech's website. They list their drummer as a hobgoblin *cough, drum machine, cough* Their music's okay, though.
@divine intent: Go reduce a church to fucking cinders. Then you can come back and I'll let you tell me what's extreme and what's not.
Divine_intent said:
Well since no one of you listen to black metal you should not even speak of whats extreme and what people that are taking it to far.

I don't listen to black metal?

You give elitists a bad name, and that's saying something. You're a pathetic, mindless fool. Grow a brain.
Divine_intent said:
Well since no one of you listen to black metal you should not even speak of whats extreme and what people that are taking it to far.

I listen to black metal, a lot, but that doesn't make me cut heads off corpses, or burn churches or run around in the forest sacrificing goats or anything like that.
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The band Mayhem had the picture of their drummer that had just killed himself on one of the covers( i think it was Dawn Of The Black Hearts ), it was kind of very bloody since he cuted his own throat, that was i 1991, i think the album came in 1995.
What really bothers me about this type of crap, besides the fact that the act was vile and repugnant, is that it reinforces so many negative stereotypes about metal in general. Metal doesn't need this kind of publicity. People who misunderstand metal and the people who listen to it just love this kind of shit, because it validates their prejudices (in their eyes). It gives them an excuse to point the finger at the metal community and say "SEE! I always said these people were a bunch of devil-worshipping drug addicts!"

It's amazing how the act of one brain-dead fuck can be a setback for an entire group of people, but unfortunately, that's how it's always been.
Xenon said:
The band Mayhem had the picture of their drummer that had just killed himself on one of the covers( i think it was Dawn Of The Black Hearts ), it was kind of very bloody since he cuted his own throat, that was i 1991, i think the album came in 1995.

It was their vocalist.
He shot himself.
Lame. I like quite a few black metal bands, but many of their "tr00, gr1m and kvlt necroness" is fucking hillarious. I like the music, but I think the whole "image" of black metal is rather ludicrous.
Yeah, he did more than just shoot himself...he blew his fucking head in half, and if you look closely in the picture, you can see where his brain fell out of his skull and is lying on the floor next to him. I think Hellhammer picked up bits and pieces of it and put it in a stew and ate it...at least that's what the urban legend/rumor/bullshit states.
No matter the music scene or style, there are just idiots and morons that do stupid ass things.

this is a prime example...
sick, gross and downright STUPID

I have no idea what motivates a person to do something like this...they need major help
Yeah, I guess a lot of those in black metal can go to extremes like killing people to show how bad ass and troo they are. They give heavy metal and their followers like us a bad name. They should concentrate on music than their image.
Malleus said:
I listen to black metal, a lot, but that doesn't make me cut heads off corpses, or burn churches or run around in the forest sacrificing goats or anything like that.

It does to me:p, but at least I don't feel the need to be a raving idiot like some people in this thread (not quoted by me mind)...