OK,I've got 5150 fever

everybody's x

My name is Damage
May 20, 2006
OK, fellas, I finally got around to recording a 5150. It didn't take long to realize that is the sound I am tweaking all my guitar tracks to sound like, right out of the box. Now I simply must have one. The guy I'm recording wont part with his (damnit)
Which one do I want?
Which to avoid?
Is the 6505 the same?
Is the 5150 II a peice o' shit?
Does the combo have a speaker out jack? Does it sound good.

educate me
Which one do I want?
Block letter and signature are the same other than stock tubes.

Which to avoid?
Overpriced ones :lol:

Is the 6505 the same?
Exactly other than the cosmetics.

Is the 5150 II a peice o' shit?
Depends...most people tend to like the 5150 better. The obvious difference is that it has a clean channel. Some say the lead channel is a little more tame/voiced differently.

Does the combo have a speaker out jack? Does it sound good.
Sounds great...just a 60 watt version of the head with reverb.
A caveat about the speaker out jack on the combo though: it's minimum 16 ohms, meaning a 4x12, cuz most 2x12's are 8 ohms. So that kinda limits your options for ext. cabs.
Welcome to the club man!

I got to use one about 4-5 months ago ( I do alot of mixing/reamping), and after about 10 minutes with it I went on ebay. A couple months later I got a 5150 signature for around 700. I love it, and wouldn't trade it for anything.
A caveat about the speaker out jack on the combo though: it's minimum 16 ohms, meaning a 4x12, cuz most 2x12's are 8 ohms. So that kinda limits your options for ext. cabs.

But keep in mind it has a 2x12 built in...and when you use the speaker out they are disabled. Why bother plugging it in to a different 2x12? I know there are a few reasons..but it isn't too realistic.
Then again the speakers do suck on the combos...
You should get this one... more commonly known as the "Block Letter" lol...

If you need a clean channel get a II. They sound a little different but IMO they are fantastic amps. If you don't need a clean channel get the I-- you'll save some $.
Get a new 6505 (not the +) at MF, if you know someone.:) Mine cost around $760(brand new, not a broken one). They sound identical to the originals, and they're NEW. The + is a real fizzy sounding head. The regular just rules. I use a Maxon od808 in front. FWIW, I just seen SOTU, and nearly every band had 6505s, Shadows Fall(Krank), Goatwhore (Framus), ETIT had a Bogner Uber, and a couple others had Marshalls, but most had the 6505 head, and they sounded just identical to mine. ANDY AND COLIN USE THEM, DUDE.:heh:
If you need a clean channel get a II.

I never get it when people say that the I doesn't have a clean channel compared to the II. Having never used a 5150/6505 myself I can't tell but for sure but from what I can imagine the I should give the same options like the II in a recording situation, wouldn't it? I mean the same EQ for two channels is definitely not the most versatile option but you can change the settings from take to take anyway so...
Or am I getting something completely and Channel 1 is totally different on the I and II?? Please make me smarter... :worship:
you're correct... in a studio situation 5150-II doesn't really offer advantages. I owned a 5150-II for several years and now have a 5150. I prefer the 5150's voicing over the 5150-II

now live use (flexibility) is a different matter...
If you turn the green channel pre gain down almost all the way and keep the post pretty low you can get a clean sound without breakup. But it is pretty lifeless and not loud enough to be usable in a band setting. I prefer just rolling back the volume knob on the guitar. It has a little breakup but it is pretty responsive to touch.(depending on your pickups)
when you use the speaker out they are disabled

are you sure? i had some guitar tracks recorded a few years ago through a 5150 combo, which was slaved out to a mesa cab, and both the amp and cab were blaring.
Actually now that you mention it I think it has two outputs. What I did was unplug the cable going to the speakers and plugged the extension cab into that same output. It has been a long time since I have messed with one though.
No I know the 5150 has a "clean" if you want to call it that, but it sounds like crap.

I would never use it in a studio situation, it's pretty lifeless and honky so yuck.

I concur wholeheartedly; yes, it is possible to make the green channel clean, but it sounds like such lifeless garbage that it's really not even worth considering.