OK,I've got 5150 fever

Good man, u'll never look back! crushing sounds from now on in!
5150 cabs r horrid tho so ignore them.
xxx cabs r pretty good but u cant beat a 5150 through a mesa or marshall 4x12 with c30's (with an od808 in front), tone of the gods!:rock:
I'll just chime in that I love my 6505+ and that its crunch channel has a little more gain than the 6505. I ended up blending the rhythm and crunch channels (2 of each quad tracked) on the Backmask album "Dark Fiber" and I was very happy with that sound. It's only fizzy if you don't know how to dial it.

Also I've found that JJ/Tesla tubes sound MUCH better than the stock Electro-Harmonix pre tubes and Ruby power tubes. I used JJ/Tesla tubes on the album as well!
^Dude is that you on them vids auditioning? If so fucking awsome, nice playing and nice tone! What are you using to get your sound there?
Yeah that's me! Haha Thanks for the compliments, man! It's a maxon OD808 into lead (red) channel on 6505. sm57 on a 75watt celestion. Man, I just played on an Engl Powerball for the first time the other day, and was blown the fuck away! You have to (well I have to) have a TS in front, but it way just tone of the GODS, dude! It's hard to beat the tone of a 5150, but the powerball is there!


Yeah that's me! Haha Thanks for the compliments, man! It's a maxon OD808 into lead (red) channel on 6505. sm57 on a 75watt celestion. Man, I just played on an Engl Powerball for the first time the other day, and was blown the fuck away! You have to (well I have to) have a TS in front, but it way just tone of the GODS, dude! It's hard to beat the tone of a 5150, but the powerball is there!


hey Gnash,
How about the sttings that is some great tone
Man, I forgot, those vids were tracked using my Pod xt live and a Peavey solid state! I had a band in tracking drums and using the pod, around the same time I was shooting the videos, so my rig was at my drummer's house. That tone is the Bogner Uberschall model
Drive 1 oclock
bass 10 oclock
mid off haha
treb off
pres 10 oclock

Drive 34%
Gain 33%
Tone 46%

The amp was a '92 Peavey Supreme 160 solid state head clean channel, set flat into a Marshall 1960 4X12 75watt speaks, sm57 straight on
Settings for my 5150 are:

Lead pre 5
Low 8.5
Mid 1
High 6
Post (with one cab it sounds best at 4)
Res 7
Presence 4

Maxon OD808:

Drive 12 oclock
Balance 11 oclock
Tone 3 oclock

These settings vary slightly for each guitar, but they work with my Ibanez. I use SH-6 distortion pups.