OK,STOP. I am over it. I am aloud to get pissed.


New Metal Member
Feb 11, 2002
Southern, Ohio
Yes, I was bitching about Scott not meeting me after the show in COLUMBUS,Ohio.

I acted like a DICK, I admit it. Yes, I had in my mind how I would like Scott to act but that didn't happen. Doesn't mean I don't like Anthrax. I was pissed. I have a lot of stuff. To much to get rid of.
Maybe I need to grow up? maybe you just don't understand?
Regardless, I am still a huge Thrax supporter. It just seems with SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many bands. That individuals would see and appreciate die hards like myself. John and Charlie were real cool so it's no reason to back out on the band as a whole.
Some of your responces were pretty funny. Some were right on the money. There are no guarentees in this world. That is for sure. I will no longer slam Scott. The man has helped me through some fun and rough times. The music is the bottom line anyhow.
Not the individuals. If people cared how big a dick certain band members are than a lot of bands would never have lasted. Look at Kiss,Metallica... All about themselves. Paint it how you want it but that is the bottom line. I just hope this Anthrax CD is so good that it makes me feel like shit for saying anything negative about one of my all time favorite bands.



hey I understand Kevin.

Sometimes musicians are kinda sour to meet, but I really think Scott was busy. Maybe he was in a bad mood. Anyhow, I checked out your website and the photo album. Really cool, wow, what a looker Tom Araya is married to! Cheerz!
I used to work with a guy that worshiped David Bowie, twenty years he bought all the records and went to every show and some abroad. Finally he got to meet his idol and Mr Bowie after having a bad day was a bit of an arse towards him. That was the memory this guy got every time he put on a bowie record, he did sell his collection. I've never been into meeting band members they all need a certain amount of arrogance just to survive in the business. James Hetfield has always been my god imagine the conversation.
me. Mr Hetfield i've been your biggest fan(slurp,crawl)
JH. Sod off you sad english tosser
me. (gutted) on the floor, will to live, gone.
Glad to see you have cooled down we need to keep people in their thirtys in here too many people in the prime of youth posting here :D
I'm glad you saw the "slamming" posts from us as the good natured humor they were intended to be. Just think how stupid I would be if I had given away my 2 copies of the original GARAGE DAYS EP (ones never had the plastic removed! now thats some sad fanboy shit right there!), b/c HETFIELD acted like a nutless wonder toward me. I'm glad you're still a fan.

I would like to take this time to apologize to my fellow Anthrax board mates who were offended and/or frightened by my sorry attempt at humor in indicating that I may or may not have been listening to Nickelback at the time of my last post on this thread. It was not intended to cause heart failure of any kind, and I apologize for any heartburn and/or irritable bowel syndrome it may have caused. Please rest assured, I have been listening to Nod to the Old School for well over an hour now, including the time of that post.

Thank you for your understanding.
Glad you posted this. Just listen to a lot of your Anthrax collection, and you'll say (like I did), "Ah, how could I stay mad at you?"
I once ran into Iggy Pop at Gold Star Chili. He was very polite and patiently answered all our questions. He ate a 3-way with his bare hands and got dirty looks from everyone there....
I'm glad you did indeed get a grip. I at one time bumped into Alice Cooper in a Chicago chocolate shop. I turned around and said "Hey Your Alice Cooper!!" and he put his finger to his mouth and winked and said..."SHHHHH don't tell anybody!" I shook his hand and that was it. What a nice memory and an unobtrusive one at that. Keep in mind that everyone in a rock band is a human being and deserve a little bit of space. That is a memory that no one can take away and it did not bother Alice because of the space I accorded him. Keep on rockin' and supprting smaller acts like Antrax who need all the help we can give them. Peace.:p
Originally posted by guido34
I'm glad you did indeed get a grip. I at one time bumped into Alice Cooper in a Chicago chocolate shop. I turned around and said "Hey Your Alice Cooper!!" and he put his finger to his mouth and winked and said..."SHHHHH don't tell anybody!" I shook his hand and that was it.

You didn't bow and say "I'm not worthy." ? Come on, it's the Coop...