OK this is getting ridiculous!!!!!


No More Posts
Mar 29, 2003
OK first of all I have nothing against CD Inzane. My problem is that when I see something wrong I have to stand up and say something. CD Inzane is currently listing CD's at double the price that other vendors are selling, specifically the new Iced Earth and Cryonic Temple. $28399 for the European import of Cryonic Temple? and $25.95 for the new Iced Earth? I've had them in my physical hand for $14.99 and the store owner got them right from SPV. I'm sorry I'm just getting tired of seeing these things happen as I know someone somewhere is getting shafted and doesn't know it. And this "We are the only US seller to have it" bullshit has to stop. I know of a half a dozen titles that other places have sometimes two weeks prior to his stated date. C'mon Zane we luv ya bro but come on!!!!!!!!!!
Pure horseshit and the reason I stopped ordering from them a while ago. I can't tell you how many times the prices changed on the same title depending on how well it sells. Ken Golden at the Laser's Edge has never pulled that crap, nor has he stated that he is the only person in the WORLD to have a certain title. You are right, it is totally ridiculous and i stay away due to it.
I did some comparing...

Iced Earth(I assume you meant the new dvd):
CDInzane - $18.57
The End Records - $21.74
Laser's Edge - $16.00

Iced Earth - Alive in Athens (3 CD set)
CDInzane - $18.95
The End Records - $19.00
Laser's Edge - $25.00

Cryonic Temple - IN THY POWER +3 Digi
CDInzane - $28.95
The End Records - $16.49
Laser's Edge - didn't have it

Moral of the story...shop around first.

I prefer the end records, but, the last few times I've ordered cd's, they haven't had in stock what I wanted, at the time. I like the fact that I can save a few bucks with their free delivery. I have used cd inzane a few times and have been happy with their service...and their prices, on the things I ordered, were on par with other places. Shop & compare. :)
I've always thought CD Inzane did a great job... Aside from ONE TIME I ordered a cd from them and they were supposed to have it delivered ASAP. It took about one month for the transaction to be processed. By then, I had spent all my money on college (I mean the entire thing on my bank account) and I was left with 12 dollars. The total of the disc was 13.95... Went red for a few days... The album ended up costing 41 (given the bank fee for going negative on the account)... I understand that it's my responsibility to keep an eye on my account, but for Christ's sake at least inform the customers that the cd delivery/transaction processing will take longer than expected!

Aside from that, it's always been a pleasure to work with CD Inzane..
The_Q said:
Sorry The Whisper, I meant the new Demons And Wizards disc not an Iced Earth disc, Sorry!
Cool, I wasn't sure. I understand the thing about, "We're the only vendor in the entire civilized world to have this cd", business being ridiculous, though.

I don't understand the reason why there are such discrepencies in prices between some vendors, but that is why I don't buy from just 1 place. As much as any of us buy, taking a few minutes to check around is just good buying practices.
I never thought about the prices, I know they are very expensive..but my biggest problem with ZD Inzane is that you order something and it takes forever for them to ship it out. it really bothers me...I dont call that exactly the "best service".. I order from Sentinel Steel..thay tell you if they have it in stock and ship it the next day to you...no BS.
I don't understand the reason why there are such discrepencies in prices between some vendors, but that is why I don't buy from just 1 place. As much as any of us buy, taking a few minutes to check around is just good buying practices.

This is primo advice... it's a good idea for metal enthusiasts like us to have a nice big "Bookmarks" folder full of CD vendors, so we can take a quick look on every site when we're looking for something specific.

In fact, for the last few hauls I ordered, I priced every disc in my haul with three or four different vendors, and ended up splitting it between two of them for the best value. Although, I suppose this is pretty weird behavior for someone who LOVES going to the local metal store, and paying higher prices just for the novelty of being able to take my cds home and listen to them THAT DAY. ;)
In my experience, I've learned that no one vendor is totally superior to another. One might have lower prices on new releases. One might have lower prices on older releases. One might have better shipping rates. One might have faster shipping. One might give you the option to do a stock check before ordering. One might offer reccommendations based on what you've ordered in the past. I've had good and bad experiences with all of the vendors with which I've dealt. In short, you have to take the good with the bad. In any business, there's going to be competition. No one company is perfect. I'm going to continue supporting a variety of vendors, as each one has helped me to complete (for the time being) the ultimate collection of music.

Stay metal. Never rust.
I can't really ever bring myself to buy from somewhere else (unless it's used stuff at Amazon) because I'm so used to the free shipping at The End Records. Although they do go out of stock of some things a lot, that's issues with their distributors, not them. Another reason I love them is that they're the US distributor for some awesome European labels, and that means they house some top notch bands from every genre, and they've got some of the best progressive music today either in distribution or on their label.
Yeah, shop around people. I've never had a problem with CDInzane in regards to shipping, and I've actually noticed no real difference in terms of it being faster or slower then TER or LaserCD or Amazon, etc.

If they are charging a lot for a CD, then I goto a different vendor. If they got a good deal, I'll just go through them. If there's a Japanese import you want, CDInzane actually has a good selection of Japanese imports if you're that type of collector. I also know that last year they were giving away free CD's based on the number of orders you placed with them. Plus, I did the deal with buy a $250 Gift Certificate, you get $50 free. So pretty much I just did a downpayment for myself, and got $50 free.

Also, from my watching, their pre-orders are always weirdly priced based on expected price, and can then change once they actually get the CD's. I'm not sure though.

I used to love TER, but not as much now. Their free shipping is the greatest perk - but there was a period where almost 3/4th the CD's I ordered from them were getting the CD prongs crushed in the mail. They're the only vendor I've had that happen from, and it was actually reported other people getting that kind of treatment on the forum. Plus, the value of dollar went down so their prices went up as well. So instead of their $12 average CD price, it's now like $14 - which is comparable with other vendors. I remember it also took about twice as long to receive CD's if you ordered 1 or 2 items. If you ordered 3 they upgraded it and you received it in like 3 days. I would be ordering 2 items, and buy a 3rd just so I would get it faster. If I have to pay $2 to get a CD in 3 days from another vendor, so be it.

I'll still shop at TER - as they do get some CD's in that I can't find elsewhere. But I shop around - and do most of my business currently with CDInzane (as I've had no bad experience at all with them). If it's one thing, they just get their shit in faster then most. The End Records used to be AFM's record distributor for the US, but now they are not. It took them 6 months longer then CDInzane to get Edguy - Hall of Flames CD in stock. If I have to pay $1 more in price to get it close to when it comes out in Europe - I'll do it!

Moral of my post: Shop around! No vendor is perfect!
Big price differences even exist at Progpower vendor booths. I picked up a DVD for $20 at Century Media booth after seeing the same dvd at Laser's edge booth at $28 and the end records booth at $25. The band was not signed to Century Media.

Shop around guys, shop around!

Then maybe some vendors learn to price their stuff competitively. ;)
I can't really ever bring myself to buy from somewhere else (unless it's used stuff at Amazon) because I'm so used to the free shipping at The End Records.

I still use The End sometimes, but Century Media also has free shipping, if you place an order above $80 (which I frequently do), and their prices AND selection are far superior to The End. In fact, about half of all the discs I buy are not in The End's catalog at all.
I started shopping at CD Inzane after last years Progpower because Zane was a pleasure to deal with and went out of his way to help me locate things in his endless bins there. His service with the site is great, and has a good selection and for the most part his prices are fair, but the shipping times are absolutely atrocious. I got notification of shipment of the new Kamelot then received the disc 2 weeks later. I got notification of shipment of CM and Epica's new one almost 2 weeks ago and still haven't received it. In the time I got the notification of the recent shipment I ordered a CD and DVD from the End and already received them. Not so sure i'll be shopping there anymore. The End and Impulse are much faster to ship.
booB said:
In fact, for the last few hauls I ordered, I priced every disc in my haul with three or four different vendors, and ended up splitting it between two of them for the best value. Although, I suppose this is pretty weird behavior for someone who LOVES going to the local metal store, and paying higher prices just for the novelty of being able to take my cds home and listen to them THAT DAY. ;)
I've done the same thing, split orders to same some cash.

We use to have a local record shop here, called Ace's Records, that carried all the stuff that I now have to order online. The prices were a little higher, but, once you account for some S&H charges from online stores, it wasn't that big a difference. It was, as you say, great being able to buy the cds and have them in hand. I'd gladly pay a couple extra bucks to be able to do that again, instead of ordering and waiting for them to arrive via mail.