OK this is getting ridiculous!!!!!

Silent Song said:
i think "shop around" is great advice. i've had some negative experiences with The End, rather like Laser's Edge...

I've ordered from Tomer (The End) many many times and always gotten my CD's within 2-3 days of ordering....unlike CD Inzane where I ordered $60 worth of CD's and "they got lost in the mail"..... That was the first and last time I ordered from them.
Well, my recent CDInzane order went perfectly.......I'll probably use them again, and keep using The End for most of my metal stuff. One thing with The End though, sometimes you'll get a nastily cracked CD case. I think it generally happens with bigger orders (like I order).........they'll replace it, but I've never wanted to go through that, and just put the labels in a new CD case instead. Can be annoying when it happens.
Hi! The reason I stated that is because I have talked with the guy that runs the website and they have it set-up on their site that if something is out of stock the customer will not see that item or be able to order it - therefore everything you see on their site is always "IN STOCK"!!!

Exploding Ned said:
That's a pretty hefty claim 'Everything you see on their site is always in stock.' and I for one am tired of seeing it. There is no way that claim can always be substantiated, period.
Primal said:
Hi! The reason I stated that is because I have talked with the guy that runs the website and they have it set-up on their site that if something is out of stock the customer will not see that item or be able to order it - therefore everything you see on their site is always "IN STOCK"!!!

That's how a lot of good sites work......
Not trying to be the bad guy here, but I have a site as well, and I can assure you that, while their intentions are good and honorable, my point is that invariably some things will be out of stock even though they are listed, unless those running the site immediately delete the listing the second the item is out, and I doubt any site can afford to do that much labor, it simply wouldn't be cost effective. I guarantee 99.9% in stock of all items listed on my site, but that's about as good as a site can ever get, that is unless they are a label and have only say 100 titles, and have cases of each title on hand. Like I said, I'm not trying to be an asshole, just stating the facts and realities of biz that's all. :worship:

Primal said:
Hi! The reason I stated that is because I have talked with the guy that runs the website and they have it set-up on their site that if something is out of stock the customer will not see that item or be able to order it - therefore everything you see on their site is always "IN STOCK"!!!
Exploding Ned said:
Not trying to be the bad guy here, but I have a site as well, and I can assure you that, while their intentions are good and honorable, my point is that invariably some things will be out of stock even though they are listed, unless those running the site immediately delete the listing the second the item is out, and I doubt any site can afford to do that much labor, it simply wouldn't be cost effective. I guarantee 99.9% in stock of all items listed on my site, but that's about as good as a site can ever get, that is unless they are a label and have only say 100 titles, and have cases of each title on hand. Like I said, I'm not trying to be an asshole, just stating the facts and realities of biz that's all. :worship:

Hey Ned, I don't know why you're even fighting about this, but chances are, like someone had posted earlier, the larger websites have it automatically programmed that as soon as a CD or something sells out, the computer automatically takes it off of the website without any extra labor on the part of those running the website.
Your point is well taken, I'm just saying that in general, the claim that 'everything on the site is here' is way overused and simply unfounded. And I can (but won't) name specific 'larger' sites that make that claim, and I have personally found it to be not true on several occasions. My whole point of all this is to make it known, so that those new to a site won't take that claim as gospel.

Petethedrummer said:
Hey Ned, I don't know why you're even fighting about this, but chances are, like someone had posted earlier, the larger websites have it automatically programmed that as soon as a CD or something sells out, the computer automatically takes it off of the website without any extra labor on the part of those running the website.
Exploding Ned said:
Your point is well taken, I'm just saying that in general, the claim that 'everything on the site is here' is way overused and simply unfounded. And I can (but won't) name specific 'larger' sites that make that claim, and I have personally found it to be not true on several occasions. My whole point of all this is to make it known, so that those new to a site won't take that claim as gospel.

Yeah, its all good.

I know I've ordered CDs from a few places who claimed that, but between the time I added it to my shopping cart and pressed "check out" apparently someone else picked up the last copy. So, I've seen a couple places like those you're talking about who just try and cover their asses.
That's happened with me and I've heard of it happening to others as well. Another thing that's happened to me is that a site is apparently so freaking bizzee that by the time they get to my order... it's out of stock. I always love that, especially when it's a limited version and by then no one else has it. I guess my customers benefit from me NOT being that bizzee, and I don't know that I'd want a lobotomized yellfest for a biz anyway ha ha I'm too old for that shit :grin:

Petethedrummer said:
Yeah, its all good.

I know I've ordered CDs from a few places who claimed that, but between the time I added it to my shopping cart and pressed "check out" apparently someone else picked up the last copy. So, I've seen a couple places like those you're talking about who just try and cover their asses.