ok, who got sick this year?

I was sick up until a day or two before and didn't get sick this year, but my daughter got ick late thursday night after the showcase and was feeling bad on Friday and stayed in bed. Knock on wood it didn't linger and both of us came home and haven't gotten sick.
NOT ME!:heh: pre flight there 3 tabs of Aireborne, prior to show friday 2 tabs aireborne, prior to show Sat 2 tabs aireborne. Flight home sunday 3 tabs aireborne. I use this stuff every time I go to a show or fly... it seems to work for me.
I was fine. I guess being at a big university and being exposed to all kinds of viruses and germs does wonders for immunity.

However, Met-Al's drummer got a sore throat on Wednesday night and missed the karaoke party.
I was fine throughout the fest, but got nailed by the time I got home Sunday night. Fought a major sinus head cold all week long, it's now down in my throat and I can barely talk today. I don't think I've had something like this for this long before....nasty.
I only got hit with Post ProgPower Syndrome... that's it.

Oh yeah, and alcohol abuse during the fest... LOL but that was just a headache and reversed shorts. Don't ask.
I was fine throughout the fest, but got nailed by the time I got home Sunday night. Fought a major sinus head cold all week long, it's now down in my throat and I can barely talk today. I don't think I've had something like this for this long before....nasty.

Same for us, good during the fest, even all day Sunday. Sunday night/Monday morning is when I started blowing my nose non-stop I think and sneezing.
I was fine throughout the fest, but got nailed by the time I got home Sunday night. Fought a major sinus head cold all week long, it's now down in my throat and I can barely talk today. I don't think I've had something like this for this long before....nasty.

Sounds like a more severe version of what I have. However, I started feeling it on Saturday night. Partially why I had to go sit in the outer section midway through the Allstar Jam.
*raises hands* Yeah I got sick. Asthma felled me...but it started Thursday nite at the showcase and chased me back to the hotel....and then kept getting worse until they put me back on the hard stuff weds after we got home. I'm finally starting to get out from under this crap.
Knock on wood! I have NEVER gotten sick from PP. Under than post-partum depression and a lost voice due to talking over loud music and singing along. The worst year for that was PP1 because it was the first time I saw SyX and I went nuts! This year FK killed me a bit, but not too bad. I have felt fine though.