ok, who got sick this year?

I felt like shit on showcase night, I had to sit down during Krucible + Cellador....fucking airline peanuts I think :X
My throat was sore and voice was gone for a few days after ProgPower, mostly due to the smoke in the venue.

I didn't get it, but I still haven't passed the freaking kidney stone I have. Even after all that beer. *sigh*

Hey, you and me both! Did you have the stone before ProgPower or did it develop afterward?

Mine first manifested Tuesday morning and woke me up from the pain. It's been an....interesting....ride ever since.

When I think "Damn, I coulda had my first kidney stone DURING ProgPower," it gives me the shivers. I would probably have had to miss most of the festivities. :mad:
I had sinus problems the whole trip, thought it was allergies but more than likely it was a sinus infection, also had an insanely bad sore throat on Tue and Wen after the fest. Got to the Dr Wen and antibiotics.

All good now.
Shiit... I drank less, slept more, ate a lot and got sick for the first time. Not sure pacing was the way to go. I got my voice back Thursday, but I'm still congested. I think drinking more was more "healthy" lol.

It worked damn good for me! ;)

First year in 8 Prog Powers I DIDN'T get sick! :headbang:
awwwwwwww....thats too bad for her...guess she won't be going to denmark...

Nooooo ... she will be going to Denmark. We have good doctors here as well :heh:

thats alright though...i will just take all of her drinks.

Haha - of course you will. Didn't you drink enough at PP? Oh well, my fridge is your fridge (or whatever they say), I'll make sure to fill it with Carlsberg!!! :kickass:
I've never gotten sick from PP, but perhaps that's because I work in a lab and have been exposed to everything already ;) The worst was just losing my voice over the weekend, but that was from all the smoke (couldn't have been from talking too much...). Nothing but a little depression and withdrawal from missing all you crazy people already.
Hey, you and me both! Did you have the stone before ProgPower or did it develop afterward?

WAY before hand. I've actually been fighting it for about 3 weeks now. It moves and I'm fine.. Then it gets stuck and clogged and I piss sediment for a few days... Yeah. I was so worried that I was going to succumb to some serious pain over PP... but thankfully I didn't. (It actually sent me to the ER too.)

I should go back to the DR... but fucking HMO's....

WAY before hand. I've actually been fighting it for about 3 weeks now. It moves and I'm fine.. Then it gets stuck and clogged and I piss sediment for a few days... Yeah. I was so worried that I was going to succumb to some serious pain over PP... but thankfully I didn't. (It actually sent me to the ER too.)

After a mile and a half on that awful Tuesday, I almost turned around in the car and went back home and called 911. Somehow, I gutted it out and drove that terrible 30 minutes to the nearest office for my HMO.

I should go back to the DR... but fucking HMO's....

See above. BUT, they just opened a closer office to me on Monday, irony of ironies.

"Hey, honey, wanna come over and share a bottle of FlowMax?" :lol:
Yep - got the cough and the sore throat. Although I didn't start feeling it until the middle of last week.

I have two presentations to do tomorrow and one on Thursday, which should be interesting. :ill:
I usually get sick due to lack of sleep and my body not able to fight off infections. But this year I paced myself pretty well and it worked out OK. I was just dead to the world on my first day back at work. I was here physically, but mentally I was still in bed asleep zzzzzzzzzzz.
aI was out of commission for a week starting the day after we got back. Been coming to PPUSA since III and this is the first time I've succumbed... Damnit!

- R