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Death has come
Apr 30, 2014
somewhere in the milky way
Here Im gonna go with another one my edgy fucking kill yourself teen threads but this is a good one I think. So being the age of 16 (4 months until 17) I am finding it increasingly more annoying to not be of age yet and out of my parents home. I figure this is my teenage angst kicking in but still I find it nagging in the back of my head to take the initiative to get the fuck out and do something with my life. Also Im what you would call your middle of the road teenager, I can talk and make friends with the preppy douche bags and I can with the retards in the anime club. But really I only have one close friend and thats it and a small amount of others I hang out with outside of school. With this feeling of wanting to actually get good grades (Especially in my junior year cause i absolutely bombed my 10th grade year) I also want to fucking do teenager stuff, go out and drink, smoke a little and try and kill myself. So its becoming this huge ass cluster fuck and I have no idea what to do.

Anyone else experienced this?
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