It seems that you're fond of jumping to conclusions
First of all, IOfTheStorm quite possibly commented on the growing number of unreadable, mindless ramble posts such as "Wrieraeeeeeeagh fkack im drunke!111111111111" ala Kill Tully's, not the funny drunken stories such as fotmbm's drunken exploits. Random letters glued together = not funny, IN MY OPINION. Am I allowed to have my own opinion? Yeah, I do believe so.
Also, did you see anyone mentioning your name? Personally, I just referred to the drunken posts/threads with no substance whatsoever, such as Tully's recent "WWW9333333333333 FAGATZ" thread. Again, I think drunken posts that actually have some substance or even just a small story are perfectly OK.
As for your #4 - the whole point with message boards is that people with different opinions on different matters discuss stuff such as this. I fail to see that you're the Keeper Of The One Truth, so why should anyone listen to you instead of IOfTheStorm or myself? It's not that I try to dictate what other people should do or not do. I simply stated that I don't find Tully's and other's inane drunken ramblings hilarious. Why should I lower my standards when it comes to drunken posts? If a person who's NOT intoxicated had posted "mmeijeir dsuh9 203i20", I wouldn't have found it funny. Nor do I find drunken posts identical to my example funny. Funny drunken stories, on the other hand....