Okay, Freaks, I'm Back...

Well its about goddamn time! Were all one big dysfuctional thrax loving family again. Bratt, I hate to tell ya but the hat is gay.....
That is one Rob Halford, Fred Mercury, Elton John lookin gay hat.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
It's not my job that sucks so much as it's some of the people I work with who suck. My customers on the whole are really decent and we have some regulars that make the day a little better. Last night was my first night in the deli, and it wasn't half bad.
While you're in the Deli can I get Italian Sub and macaroni salad? :grin:
So what's in the Deli? Fried Chicken, Cold Cuts Cheese, Pasta Salad? Please tell it's close to the beer section. Damn I'm ready for lunch!
Riehlthing said:
bout time you got back, now where's your partner in crime, maiden?

That's what I was wondering. She must be baking a helluva lot of cookies. That will help the Anthrax Street Team Bake Sale. :grin: Anyway, welcome back to everyone- Brat, Greg and Alex. Brat, what kind of dog did you get?

Cincy Vigilante said:
Well good to have you back, the only thing you missed was a bunch of political bickering, but we are over it now :)
And of course my usual dribble about rimjobs, anul sex, skull fucking, date rape, drug use, unsafe sex, safe sex, dirty sex, baldness, shaved pubic haires, premature ejaculation, star treck, SG1, Transformers, my love of rap music, alchole , sobriety, Ministry, Laughing at Mr. Ian ( do you own stock at Vh1), respecting Mr. Ian ( does your wrist hurt from playing so fast), and of course bashing John Bush'es gay derby hat. :Smug:
DarbysDad said:
So what's in the Deli? Fried Chicken, Cold Cuts Cheese, Pasta Salad? Please tell it's close to the beer section. Damn I'm ready for lunch!
Fried chicken, potato wedges, lots of salads, meats and cheeses. Sandwiches are in the deli cooler by Starbucks. It's 4 or 5 aisles over from the beer. :grin:
And to whoever asked (I'm too lazy to scroll back now), she's a chocolate lab/chow mix, with some Queensland healer in there somewhere. We had a black lab/chow before, and we wanted another one. Her sister from the same litter lives next door, which is how we found out about her. And she was free.

And prime, how about I wear that hat while I'm kicking your ass? :)
I too work at S(c)AMS CLUB...I dropped out of management b/c the 56-70 hour work week was interfering w/ my time with my kid...they acted like I was making this huge mistake. but I make my $18.25 an hour from 4 am to 12 pm then I go the fuck home..the jokes on anyone who STAYS in management.

BTW, thanx for all the welcome backs. :)
KY_Fried442 said:
Welcome back Brat. I was gonna say you missed out on the TD/Buddy feud but it looks like it's still going strong, lol

...and why can't we all just get along anyway? :cry: