Okay I am new here

old school headbanger said:
Shit , it looks like Milanos board decided to go Anthrax... Well Im here to...

MyHatred, you need to talk to Buddie love bomb about TD, He`ll tell you what a jackass he is...
Hey Old School!!! Well I didn't want to say anything on the Milano board because I just KNOW how much Billy and pretty much the rest of the board love Anthrax..I don't know. I seen Anthrax with Dio a couple of months back and I have to admit that they kicked some serious ass live. I initially went to see Dio but came out an Anthrax fan(Dio ripped also but I figured he would). Then my brother was visiting for the holidays and he has been into Anthrax since I was a rugrat and he let me listen to WCFYA and TGOTE and I have to say that I was impressed..So yeah I guess I'm banned from the Milano board since I like Anthrax now.:grin: Oh yeah don't give Old School any shit he is a very cool m.f.:rock: :rock:
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
Neither but I do work for the government hmmmm maybe I'm undercover:loco:

now playing "spy vs.spy" M.O.D after whitesnake of course..... :loco: .
MyHatedude I think most of the reg's(or not so regular!!at mo) on the billy board like anthrax (except bobo he really does'not)Me anything before State of Euphoria does the job (old fucker remember!!)..I still enjoy and will alway's go and watch the 'thrax as well as Megadeth (feb05),S.T,Slayer,S.T ohhh and did I say S.T??? and give my concert reviews even if there NOT liked on here...cause they aint the 'be all, end al'???