Okay, so about last night...

some funny shit I just remembered from my haze ...
so we are hanging out with Christy ... when first Johan walks out in tow with some crew ... of course I shake his hand and some guy makes me take their pic together, then he just storms out. I couldn't even tell the fanboys in our crew it happened so fast ... then Jack Starr comes out, I had no idea who this guy is, but he looked like a rocker ... Gugs goes and chats it up with him ... I ask him ... who the fuck is that? ... Gugs with a who really gives a fuck look ... Jack Starr, Seven Witches, Savatage, whatever :lol:
Then Zod, who was beyond hammered as I have never seen him and is like glowing from meeting Christy, vows to have me meet anyone from Gojira ... so we go up to some randowm guy with an all access sticker and basically "tell him" that he IS the guitarist from Gojira .... :lol: ... the guy was like wtf ... and I remember Zod insisting ... no you are :lol:

what a fucking night
Then Zod, who was beyond hammered as I have never seen him and is like glowing from meeting Christy, vows to have me meet anyone from Gojira ... so we go up to some randowm guy with an all access sticker and basically "tell him" that he IS the guitarist from Gojira .... :lol: ... the guy was like wtf ... and I remember Zod insisting ... no you are :lol:

what a fucking night
Are you serious? I swear, I don't remember any part of this what so ever.

yeah, one of us was talking to to the guy and I remember going up to him ... and then just bulging eyeballs from his part.

and now I remember Johan just turning around and looking at me like I was going to bum rush him ... I must have yelled something at him :lol: ... if Jonah looked stunned you can imagine how hammered I was :lol:

not only that, but me wanting to go up to Johan under normal circumstances, is like me going up to the main hick from Nile ... well not quite, but you get the point :loco:
it sure as fuck seems like it ... because from about 9:30 pm - 2am ... i don't remember shit, just random crap ...
Then Zod, who was beyond hammered as I have never seen him and is like glowing from meeting Christy, vows to have me meet anyone from Gojira ... so we go up to some randowm guy with an all access sticker and basically "tell him" that he IS the guitarist from Gojira .... :lol: ... the guy was like wtf ... and I remember Zod insisting ... no you are :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I can SO picture that too.
it sure as fuck seems like it ... because from about 9:30 pm - 2am ... i don't remember shit, just random crap ...
I think this is the general concensus from the night. Paula doesn't remember anything after leaving the Nokia. She seems to recall eating something, somewhere. I don't recall food. I remember BSing with Christy, but not specifics and than the rest of the night is blurry or gone.:zombie:
