old man joey is back

spacebeer said:
he wasn't a fill in but he was a replacement and now he is replaced again, hell Joey also was a replacement. he Just happened to sing on the classic albums.

I agree with what you're saying.
Canucklehead said:
Nice of you to lump all the John Bush fans together. We're not newcomers to Anthrax. We stuck by them through the 90s when metal nearly disappeared. Where were you? Still listening to PoT complaining about Joey's firing?

A lot of us were Anthrax fans when StD and SoE were released back in the mid 80s. I've been a fan since I heard them when I was in high school. I loved Joey as much as the next guy back then. The moment, though, I heard "Only" I forgot all about Joey. Now, to me, John is the voice of Anthrax. WCFYA is the best thing they've ever done, bar none. I hate to think that we may not hear the follow-up which would just crush with John leading the charge.

CesspoolOfSkulls said:
Well all i'm hearing is people wineing cause Joey is back, Why don't you let it be and wait for a Bush reunion a few years later? Your not even giving them a chance to record new material. I wasn't complaining when Joey got fired, I just didn't listen to the newer stuff (with bush). If you wanna hear John go see Armored Saint, He dosen't even WANT to be in Anthrax anymore, I have read tons and tons of interviews, He just don't want to, You can't make someone do somthing they rather not. People need to get that in their heads. Tuuhh---duuhhhh.

I've seen one interview with him saying he doesn't want to be in Anthrax. Mind giving us some links to these others? I'd love to read some Bush interviews.

But, if he chooses to head off and do his own thing, more power to him. I'd definitely pick it up. Just like I'd probably pick any new Anthrax with Joey.
What a fucking frustrating thread to read. Seems to me that a lot of people believe everything they read? Anyway...just my 2 cents.
CesspoolOfSkulls said:
So your saying the interviews are bullshit? wow that makes no sense.
No, not really. IMO an article is not an official statement. Many articles arn't entirely true so when people read them they take it to heart. Not saying it is, but it is a possibility. I'm just going to wait till this tour is over and see what happens. Like Scott said, anything thats official will be posted on their site. Unless there is video footage of John saying this stuff, i would like to see it.
CesspoolOfSkulls said:
So your saying the interviews are bullshit? wow that makes no sense.

Actually, what makes no sense is saying that you have read "tons and tons' articles saying that John has quit the band. I would like to read these articles because I have only seen the 1 interview with him saying that. LINKS PLEASE!!!!!
Otherwise you are just talking out of your ass
MyHatred said:
Actually, what makes no sense is saying that you have read "tons and tons' articles saying that John has quit the band. I would like to read these articles because I have only seen the 1 interview with him saying that. LINKS PLEASE!!!!!
Otherwise you are just talking out of your ass

I'm not talking out my ass numb-nuts, I'm reading shit from a few websites, you look them up, And you should learn how to read, I said I read interviews from john saying he DOSEN'T WANT TO BE IN THE BAND ANYMORE - IT'S NOT IN MY HEART. I Read another saying He's a dad now, He lost intrest in being in Anthrax, You look them up, jackass.
:lol: :lol: Ha you noob's always make me laugh. 1 interview suddenly turns into "tons and tons" You can't prove anything other then the 1 interview that is floating around. That doesn't constitute "tons and tons' I knew you couldn't back up your words:lol: :lol: Dan want's you to go back to remedial math. Fuck face
MyHatred said:
:lol: :lol: Ha you noob's always make me laugh. 1 interview suddenly turns into "tons and tons" You can't prove anything other then the 1 interview that is floating around. That doesn't constitute "tons and tons' I knew you couldn't back up your words:lol: :lol: Dan want's you to go back to remedial math. Fuck face

Blah blah blah, Big baby wants his John, Boooo hooo, Go on tiddy babby!! awwwww, lmmfao.
CesspoolOfSkulls said:
I Read another saying He's a dad now, He lost intrest in being in Anthrax

People who think John's lost his interest in being in Anthrax just beacuse of he's a dad now are really dumb!!!!!
YOU WHINY FUCKING CUNTS!!! Seriously do you have no life???? If you do not like what IS NOW Anthrax then go somewhere else.. Seriously do you have nothing better to do with your pathetic lives then come to this message board every fucking day and cry and complain????? Go join an Armored Saint board or that lame Reunion Bashers and homos board... Seriously...
tomass74 said:
YOU WHINY FUCKING CUNTS!!! Seriously do you have no life???? If you do not like what IS NOW Anthrax then go somewhere else.. Seriously do you have nothing better to do with your pathetic lives then come to this message board every fucking day and cry and complain????? Go join an Armored Saint board or that lame Reunion Bashers and homos board... Seriously...
Oh man... how can a Red Sox Fan be such a jerk???
tomass74 said:
YOU WHINY FUCKING CUNTS!!! Seriously do you have no life???? If you do not like what IS NOW Anthrax then go somewhere else.. Seriously do you have nothing better to do with your pathetic lives then come to this message board every fucking day and cry and complain????? Go join an Armored Saint board or that lame Reunion Bashers and homos board... Seriously...

***APPLAUSE***!!! Well said brother. :rock: :worship: