Old Opeth

All a matter of a opinion obviously ... but I can say they've maintained an extremely high level of quality in all there albums. That's what makes Opeth so great ... there is no bad songs/albums.
In my humble opinion:

Orchid: 10/10
Morningrise: 9/10
My arms, your hearse: 10/10
Still Life: Perfect hmm thats 11/10 :p
Blackwater Park: 9/10

So they did not really get better if you ask me.
If you bought BWP, you should be getting Still Life next.
A LOT of people greatly prefer the old albums, the first of Opeth's two "eras" (i.e. Orchid and Morningrise vs. MAYH, Still Life and BWP). I actually like the middle three the best, and in particular, the middle one of that. So I'd say the quality has been consistent throughout... GET THEM ALL.
In sound and their mixes they've gotten much better, they're heavier and clearer on BWP than ever. As for their music, it's a pretty steady progression from the first album to the last. I'd listen in reverse order and work down to Orchid.

I kind of go through phases of liking one over others. I suppose MAYH edges out over the others because of its cohesion, though. I think it's also the most emotional album.

All the albums are amazing and easily worth buying.

My rate would be something like:

Orchid: 9/10
Morningrise: 10/10
My arms, your hearse: 9.5/10
Still Life: 9.5/10
Blackwater Park: 9.5/10

usually bands have a bad album or at least a big step down.... i wonder if opeth will ever do this? I'm thinking... for opeth to release a bad album.... they would have to be half assing it or something becasue i just cant see it
Someone said just the opposite of this...

I think you should buy Orchid next. If you liked Blackwater Park, great. But, start at the beginning. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by all their works. They’re truly remarkable. The best of both worlds. Clean vocals and acoustics blended perfectly with death vocals and metal. You can have the two in any band, but to weave them together like Opeth does is just extraordinary.

It seems improbable that Opeth would let us down. But of course there'll always be a fan that don't like the latest album. I'm sure it happened with all the previous ones. Some would argue that Orchid and/or Blackwater Park are weak too.
Am I the only one who prefers the production of Orchid and Morningrise? Yes, the 2nd Opeth era cd's are louder, the guitar is more powerful, and the effects are of better quality but I still prefer the older, more raw sound. In Orchid and Morningrise everything is so much more distinguishable (less muddy). I can separate all guitar parts, the bass is more audible and of a higher, more pronounced tone, and I can hear every single part of the drumline. I guess the whole issue of "good production" is simply a matter of taste, yet I hear a lot of people refer to recordings as having "good production" primarily based upon loudness(and I'm not just talking of newer Opeth here). To me, "good production" means so much more. Now, obviously some recordings have poorer production than others (various black metal recordings come to mind, many of which I find unlistenable because of the production), but in comparing say "Morningrise" with "BWP" I think production quality is just a matter of opinion.

If I was to rate them:

Orchid: 10/10
Morningrise: 10/10
My Arms, Your Hearse: 8/10
Still Life: 10/10
Blackwater Park: 9/10

I like the first two albums a lot. Something about the way they sound is just... different than most stuff out there. Plus I like the one-word names and cover photographs. I mean, sure Blackwater Park has an awesome cover, but it just looks too "polished" I mean, the picture on Morningrise and Orchid just... they make me think of beauty. Blackwater Park is more of an "Oh cool!" kinda reaction.

They're all very good, so you don't need to worry about buying a bad one. Just make sure you give each one enough time to sink in.

Morningrise took me longer to get into than Orchid did, but it's probably a little bit better overall.