Old School AssKissin Thread


Chef Metal
Jun 4, 2002
The Metal Kitchen
OK this is my Version of the appreation(Spellin hahaha) Thread but instead of singleing out one poor bastard this one is for everybody! this place is hard to explain it is where I live on the net and you poor people are like my Family hahahaha So Thank you all for putting up with my hmmm offhand posts and threads! :kickass: you guys and gals are the best!
Ass kissin, eh? Well you can start with mine



Yay, I hear you JD. But that we are all brothers and sisters gives me a problem, I like some of the sisters here, is that incestuous? :yow: :loco:

All together we are one, but the false we can't forgive.
We are bound by truth and faith, forever we shall live.
Heavy Metal
Our Strength and our Religion
Heavy Metal
The meaning of our Lives.
Heavy Metal
We're rebels with a vision.
Heavy Metal
We will keep on fighting till the end.
Until the end. -
Majesty 2002


I'm quit new on this forum, but it rules , really...spend a lot of time on others but you guys really rule....hehe, I don't like asskissin' either, but I'll have a very big lick at the oldschool forum's ass..... :worship:
I love the Old School board. It's the only board I know on UM that has the nicest people. :) Thanks everyone, you rock! :headbang:
Wyvern said:
Ass kissin, eh? Well you can start with mine


Wyvern said:
Yay, I hear you JD. But that we are all brothers and sisters gives me a problem, I like some of the sisters here, is that incestuous? :yow: :loco:
hahahaha So do I hahahaha Kinda Reminds me of that Megadeth Song Family Tree :D But in Reality I think we all both Safe there is no Blood relations with Exception to my SIS ofcourse :yuk: :D
carnut said:
I'm quit new on this forum, but it rules , really...spend a lot of time on others but you guys really rule....hehe, I don't like asskissin' either, but I'll have a very big lick at the oldschool forum's ass..... :worship:
:D hahahaha I hate Asskissin but in here its ok sometimes ... This is Pretty much the ONLY forum I post on anywhere I have a couple I post a bit on this place is my Homeland :loco: hahahaha
I can honestly say I'm having a great ol' fucking time getting to know you folks, and am happy that I discovered this place! :worship:

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
JonnyD said:

This is a Finnbot .... He was Born to ManOwar Warriors of the World I might add :headbang:
You'll NEVER hear me say this again, but.....he's so cute! Jonny, make sure he grows up to be a nice, strong metalhead! That kid is too adorable to be anything else. so....ahem.....how 'bout them Lakers, eh? :D
JonnyD said:

This is a Finnbot .... He was Born to ManOwar Warriors of the World I might add :headbang:
Why does he wear a mallcore hat? :loco: